>.< Another 10 weeks to go...

Jul 20, 2004 18:30

So today was the first day back from my four week holiday of Rest, Relaxation and Roleplaying (the three R's).

Am absolutely POOPED. I fell asleep at about 12:30 last night, but I don't know if you can call it sleep. It was sleep at first, then around 5 ish turned to a not awake, not quite asleep thing.
So.. woke up, managed to drag myself into the bitter cold that was this morning. Friggin freezing. As a true Territorian, I pride myself on being pathetic with cold weather. Yes, it was only 15 degrees, and Jacki says I'm pitiful, but considering we're usually graced with 30 degrees or more, I think being pitiful at 15 is just fine.

I was really awake and bouncy (god knows how) despite the cold before school, but once I got there it sucked. It was the usual check out how everyone else looks thing with everyone. Just for the record, many people straightened their hair. I cut mine, which was noticed a lot considering it used to be halfway down my back in a pony tail and now just grazes my neck. In a pony tail. Of course. Tara She who must not me named cut her hair into layers and now looks even older. I'd say a very short twenty year old.

No change on my timetable except I have PE where I had extension Music. Sigh. Anywho, double maths was first. Gack. Ms. Quan is still as boring as ever and still cannot pronounce words properly, despite being Australian?

The lockers were traditionally broken into over the holidays and I had to go allllll the way to C1/Woodworks and collect my stuff. Remembered when I got there that I had no stuff in said locker. Oh well. At least I missed some maths.

Recess, fun! Not. Froze my ass off. It sucked. Erm.. what else. Oh yeah.

Double PE. DIED. About fifty times. Had to change into T shirt and shorts and felt very very stupid. >.< Felt even more stupid when my hand eye coordinations failed me for warm ups - throwing balls around. Pssht.

Then we played touch. My god. This is where I died about fifty times. We had to run up and down the tank (an old water tank so it's damn big) and stuff. OVER AND OVER NO PAUSING. Also midway, had to do this lil' trippy dance thing.

*dies again at the reliving* I swear, I was about to collapse and/or throw up. I am so unfit. Did other boring stuff, got sorted into PE classes permanently. Lucky for me I got a nice teacher, not the slave driver who ran us up and down the tank. Gr.

Double English, bludge lesson. Listened to other people talk about their holidays. Most people went away and went to the movies. Lucky them!!

Double science. Tried very hard to resist the temptation of falling asleep. While copying down notes, my eyes started going crosseyed cause I was so so tired.

Note to self: Get more sleep

So basically, that was my day. Thriller huh. *cough*

~ Andrea
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