Ficlet: Not Dancing, R/Hr

Mar 25, 2009 01:47

Title: Not Dancing
Author: phnxfeather47
Disclaimer: oh good God, if HP was mine.... well, uhm, let's just say R/H probably would have taken over book 5th onward. I just play in JRK's land.
Pairing: Hermione/Ron
Rating: PG13
Summary: Just a little ficlet during Bill's reception
Genre: Fluff, is it ever
AN: I wonder if other fic writers have scrap folders? I was rummaging through mine and hand a handful of bits of a piece about Bill's Wedding from before DH was out. I think I had listened to Michael Buble's Save the Last Dance for Me one too many times. Anyhow, the full fledged fic didn't work out but I liked this part too much to let it go. So... I added a few words here and there to make it cannon. All mistakes are mine, but I had a wonderful friend look it over and she said it was viewable for human eyes.

(six children plus six guests equals twelve feet ordered to be on the dance floor...)

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