Happy Birthday!

Jul 06, 2010 19:45

Happy Birthday to the beautiful spidergirl30 !  You truly are one of the kindest and sweetest people out here in fandom! LOVE you, Mon! (>:  Here is some daddy Ron for you my dear friend and I hope you enjoy it. *hugs*

"Happy Birthday, Hermione"

"Why didn't we go shopping for Mummy's present weeks ago, instead of the day of her birthday?"

Ron took a deep breath as he replied to his eight year old daughter's question for the hundredth time. "And I told you, daddy thinks better when he's under pressure."

"But we've been shopping for hours!"

"Your brother and I got a little side tracked at Honeydukes, but now I'm focused again." They were presently at Flourish and Blotts, trying to pick out a book for Hermione. It was turning into a disaster as his wife had read every book in the entire store. Ron sighed. "This is a nightmare!"

Rose placed her hands on her hips, looking so much like Hermione that Ron actually cowered for a second. "I already told you what Mummy wanted for her birthday!"

"And I told you that more hours in a day is an impossible gift, sweetheart."

Hugo, who was slowly working on his second Chocolate Frog, piped up. "Why not get Mummy a bag of sweets from Honeydukes?"

Rose shot him a look of great disdain. "It's Mummy's birthday-not Daddy's!"

"Let's just get out of here so that I can think more clearly. Being surrounded by all these books is starting to give me a headache." Ron took Hugo by the hand and Rose followed. They began to walk down Diagon Alley with Ron hoping that an idea would pop into his head soon.

They had just passed the Magical Menagerie when Ron suddenly stopped in his tracks. Hugo, his mouth covered in chocolate, looked up at him. "What's the matter, daddy?"

"I have an idea." Ron turned around and walked back, stopping just in front of the Magical Menagerie. "You know, your Mum was upset for weeks when Crookshanks passed away. Maybe we could get her another Kneazle."

Rose frowned. "But I thought you hated Crookshanks?"

"I didn't hate him." Ron replied defensively.

"Did too! You used to call him all sorts of names when Mum wasn't around!"

Hugo started to giggle. "Remember the time Crookshanks peed on your broom, Dad? I thought you were going to kill him for sure!"

Rose started to laugh. "Or the time Crookshanks pooped on your recliner and you chased him all over the house with your wand?" Rose began to laugh harder. "You thought you had him cornered on the staircase and then he leapt up and bit you on the nose!"

Not thinking it was funny in the least, Ron rolled his eyes as his children continued to laugh heartily. "Perhaps if I'm the one to pick out a Kneazle for your Mum, I can find one that will behave itself. Let's get in there before Daddy changes his mind."


They returned home to find Hermione right where Ron knew she'd be-their home office. She was sitting at her desk writing furiously with her quill. So wrapped up in what she was doing, she didn't notice him standing there. Ron cleared his throat and Hermione looked up. "I thought that I made it very clear I wanted you to take your birthday off so you could relax, love."

"I am. I mean I was...but this report is due first thing in the morning."

"Is this the same report you said you finished two days ago?"

"Yes." Hermione bit her lip. "I just want to make sure all my 'T's' are crossed and my "I's" are dotted is all."

Ron shook his head and couldn't help but smile. "Well could you possibly pull yourself away from that barmy report for a minute and come to the lounge?"

Hermione looked at him suspiciously before setting her quill down on her desk. "What are you up too?"

Ron gave her a lopsided grin. "Whatever do you mean, Mrs. Weasley?" He held his hand out as Hermione stood up and came around the desk. Ron took her small hand in his own. "Now close your eyes!"

"What? Why?"

Ron sighed. "Please just close your eyes, love."

"Fine. Just please promise me you didn't go overboard, Ron."

He chuckled as he guided her down the hallway and into the lounge. "Alright, open your eyes!"

Hermione opened her eyes as Ron, Rose and Hugo all shouted, "Surprise!"

Lying on the couch between Rose and Hugo was a baby Kneazle. Hermione gasped and covered her mouth with her hand for a moment. "Is that…is that what I think it is?" Ron nodded and laughed as Hermione went and picked up the tiny, orange cat. "Oh my goodness! He's so precious!"

Rose piped up. "It's a she and not a he!"

"Well, she is so precious then!" Smiling broadly, Hermione turned to Ron. "I can't believe that you'd get me another cat after all Crookshanks put you through!"

He shrugged. "We did good then? You like your birthday present?"

"I love it!" Tears began to fall from her eyes. "Thank you all so much!"

Ron stepped closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He lowered his head and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Happy birthday, sweetheart!"

Hermione looked up at him. "This was the sweetest thing you could have done for me, love."

Hugo frowned. "What about us, Mummy?"

"And of course it was the sweetest thing you two could have done for me too!" She wiped her eyes hastily with the back of her hand. "Come here, you two." She held the tiny cat out to Ron. "Could you hold her a minute so I can give our children a proper hug?"

"Sure!" Ron took the animal from Hermione. It was so small that it fit snuggly in one of his hands. He held it up and brought it closer to his face. "Awww you're going to be a good girl, aren't you?" The Kneazle meowed at him as Ron sat down in his favorite chair and placed the cat on his lap. It was then he felt something warm on his thigh. Ron's grin slowly faded away as he realized what had just happened. "Oh bloody hell -she peed on me!"

spidergirl30, birthdays, missgranger2

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