Happy Birthday, spidergirl30!

Jul 06, 2010 01:13

Happy birthday to the wonderful and inspirational Monica. I hope you have a truly outstanding day, you deserve it, my friend!

I wrote you a little something. I know you love Daddy!Ron and fluff, so that is what I went with. Enjoy!! :)

Title: A Special Bond
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Word Count: 500

"You need to turn this knob here, Hermione."

"But then it's out of focus! Here let me."

"Mummy! Daddy!"

Rosie's excited squeals caused Ron and Hermione to look up from where they were fumbling with their new camera, specifically purchased for this moment.

Hugo was teetering on his pudgy legs, straddling the fine line between taking his first steps and tipping backwards onto his diapered bum-a skill he'd already mastered.

Ron slid to his knees with arms outstretched, beckoning his son forward, while Rose and Hermione watched in rapt attention.

"C'mon Hugo, this way, mate."

The pin drop silence in the room was broken by the click of the shutter, but Ron didn't even register this as Hugo looked towards him and raised his tiny fist.


Ron kept trying to summon Hugo forward. "Yes, come to Daddy."

Hugo gurgled at Ron's frantic motions, before finally taking a tentative step forward, and then another. Two more quick, off-balance steps landed him in Ron's long freckled arms.

Rose and Hermione both cheered and clapped as Ron lifted Hugo high in the air and blew a raspberry on his belly.


Ron couldn't decide whether to smile or frown as he stared at the photo frame, watching as Hugo took his first steps, always landing Ron's arms.

He felt Hermione's fingers run through his hair, stopping to lightly massage the back of his neck.

"It feels like this happened yesterday."

"Oh, Ron."

"Where did the time go? Eleven years since we took him home from St. Mungo's, and now, he's gone."

She pressed a kiss onto the top of his head and rubbed slow, wide circles on his back.

"It'll be Christmas in no time, and then he'll return. Just imagine his excitement-he'll want to tell you all about Hogwarts."

Ron reluctantly agreed. "Yeah... but I won't be the person he turns to anymore. He'll make some brilliant new friends to go alongside his cousins, and he won't have time for his dad."

"Our roles will change as the kids get older, but they'll always come to us. We'll always be there to love and support them. That will never change, Ron."

He smiled and wrapped an arm around the love of his life, pulling her down to sit next to him. She rested her head on his shoulder as they watched their son in the photo.

"There is so much you're going to need to teach him. Quidditch training, for example, because you know he'll try out in a few years. He already has your humour and courage, but also your temper. That'll need to change."

Ron nuzzled her bushy hair, which had bunched against his neck. "He'll need to learn how to talk to girls..."

She laughed. "Maybe I should handle that one."

He chuckled and kissed her. "You're right, Hermione. They'll both always need us."

"We'll always be there for them, and for each other."

"It's just like I promised you years ago-for always and forever."

r & hr, drabble

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