(no subject)

Jun 24, 2005 00:04

alright, spill your heart out time.

there's three guys that are running through my head, all for totally different reasons.


boy1; yea, you broke my heart. so that gives me a right  to constantly think of you right? or maybe the way we used to text message every day when i was at school and you were skipping, the way you used to text message me at midnight just to tell me you love me even if i was sleeping, the way you called me baby even if it was in front of your friends, the way you said you loved me & for some reason i believed you and for another reason i still do. maybe all that was an act? maybe you meant it and your just are really good at forgetting people. but im not, & i can't forget you. & i wish you would just tell me you'll always love me, even if you dont mean it. i want you to lie to me. maybe ill feel a little better .

boy2; weve been talking a lot lately, i used to like you a while ago but your ex girlfriend came between that. now were back at it. & you and her "dont really talk anymore" but if i remember right you said that last time too. i admit it feels a little different this time, like maybe it might work. but after my last boyfriend im kind of scared to get too into things. and you cant blaime me for that. but i think i might already be too far in, just like what happened with the last one. it kind of creaps up on you. i think it would be really cool if we actually made a relationship out of whatever we have now.

boy3; ive known you for a really long time , well like a year or two. and your kind of like my best friend, i can tell you anything & everything. we arent "allowed" to get too into things because your friends with someone i ... had somethigng with. we've been talking lately and you say you wana hang out and stuff but why. i think the only reason is ... you want something. & im not about to get used again.

i feel better.

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