Well it's been a busy couple of weeks, so I feel like I should update. And since my current logfile is taking forever to convert to ascii, I figure I'll use a little of works precious bandwidth to do just that! :D
First up I spent the weekend before last in Nottingham with my university friend Andy and his boyfriend Derek. We drank too much on the Friday, whilst discussing many interesting and highly controversial topics. Then, after headaches had died down on Saturday, we went into the city center where I ooh'ed and aah'ed over the new Nottingham market square design. Very funky water features going on. Oh and I saw the stupid new tower they've put up on one of the Notts Uni campuses... let's see if I have a link to that...
Aspire It's tall, but that's about all I have to say about it.
I bought a new suitcase whilst in town as well - 50% off in the House of Fraser sales. Bargain. Then on Saturday evening we went to Pizza Express (the gay one, not the chavs one, or so I'm told) and then around a few bars in town. Because it was University holidays it was very quiet in some of the bars - I was surprised actually because it was a fairly nice evening. When we got home, Andy went to bed and Derek and I played Mario Kart Wii online until Derek's online rating had been descimated! Drunk Wii-ing is not advised. :P
And on Sunday I drove home after a nice lunch at the local pub. I chose from the "pub classics" section of the menu - and had a chicken and chorizo pasta dish! How things have changed since the days of pie and chips, eh?
And then last week I spent in France on business. I stayed in a hotel in Versailles and the bus ferryed me back and forth to the office, which was out in the countryside somewhere. The weather was lovely, and Versailles is very pretty (nicer than central Paris, in my opinion). Although with that said, there's less to do there. But some good restaurants, and the palace is pretty in summer. Work was frustrating, and progress sometimes slow, but I survived the week's testing. And I survived both trips to Charles De Gaulle airport - barely.
And this week I have 3 days at work and then on Thursday I am flying out to Dallas... for a job interview! Scary. And I will of course take the opportunity to go see Lisa for the weekend, so that'll be very nice. :) Back on Tuesday next week. Phew! Busy busy. And somewhere in there it's my younger sisters birthday too.