SPN: "Two Minutes to Midnight"

May 07, 2010 20:24

CAS!! So good to have you back, Misha.

Saving the day, not once, but TWICE. Not to mention taking his first plane ride. Cas got more shit done this episode than all the other characters put together.


After the disappointment that was "Hammer of the Gods", I'm loving this show's version of Death. He's been lumped together with the other three Horsemen, but really he's so much more primordial than all of them, maybe even older than God! And Richings, of course, plays him to perfection. Polite and eerie and soft-spoken, and so much more patient than he needs to be to someone like Dean. Death plays no favourites: everyone dies.

"This is one little planet, in one tiny solar system, in a galaxy that's barely out of its diapers. I'm old, Dean."

Now, that was interesting. Does this mean that there has been (there is?) life on other planets, in other solar systems? Or could it be that Death is just the antithesis of "thing-ness" - God and Death, just Creation and its opposite. So that the difference between the death of a star and the death of a human being is not a matter of essense, but of kind. From the dissolution of a star, we get planets, heavier elements, the building blocks of living things; from the human body's decay springs new life. One is dependent on the other. God and Death, the ouroboros, chicken and the egg.

ETA: Bonnie, you've surprised me good, and I LOVE YOU for it. It makes total sense for her to act as she did, and I admire the fact that she's such a strong character, not just the best friend, but someone with her own interests at stake and willing to do what is unpopular because her conscience wouldn't allow her to act otherwise. And in a way, I understand equally the motivations behind John Gilbert and Isabel and their need to kill all those vampires in order to (as they see it) protect Mystic Falls and their daughter. (THEIR DAUGHTER!!! So I guess Elena and Jeremy are first cousins after all.)

Jeremy is also in an interesting place right now. He seems to trust John more than he does Elena at the moment, and at times you can see how curious he is to know more about the Gilbert family legacy from John. But at the same time, he's in love with Anna, knowing full well what she is (though maybe not what she's capable of). Anna certainly seems to be one of the "good" vampires that the show's given us - someone wiling to feel, to give in to the full spectrum of human emotions - and I suspect we have Pearl to thank for that.

It would be an interesting exercise to compare Pearl-Anna to Isabel-Elena; the tantilising fact that a maker-progeny relationship (because Anna is too young to be Pearl's biological daughter) can be more steadfast and enduring than the one between a human mother and her child makes for a great counterargument to all vampires' supposed lack of humanity. How will Anna react when she learns that her boyfriend's uncle murdered her mother? And what will Jeremy do? Is there any chance that John will survive the finale? (I hope the answer is YES!)

[tv] supernatural, meta, [tv] the vampire diaries

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