Better late than never.

Apr 29, 2010 10:32

My favourite HBO cast posters are still the Deadwood portrait shots from a few years ago, but the new True Blood season three poster is pretty delicious.

The amusing description at The AV Club:
Your wife will once again spend the next three months talking about Alexander Skarsgard. Here he is, all standing there like, “Maybe if you stopped reading blogs and worked out a little more, you too could be a brooding Nordic ice god worthy of a black tank top.” But you won’t be. That fucker.

And in the comments:
This fuckin' guy. He's Hollywood's punishment on men for our decades of celebrating unrealistically gorgeous women.

Seriously, fellas. Right now, women you don't even know, and who have never even seen "True Blood", are unfavorably comparing you to Alexander Skarsgard.

Comments may contains spoilers.

[tv] true blood

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