In which I feel both annoyed and vindicated.

Mar 20, 2010 16:33

The gods of other pantheons (Hindu, Chinese, Norse and Greco-Roman) are apparently going to be cut-and-pasted into appearing on Supernatural? (See spoilers for 5x19 "Hammer of the Gods".)

I'm going to take that as license to appropriate Judeo-Christian characters like Castiel and insert him into a complete un-Christian metaphysics. Oh wait. I've already done that.

See, Mike Carey too had characters from other mythologies - Native American, Norse, Japanese, etc. - in Lucifer, operating around his monotheist core and the Host of Heaven. But those characters were central to the plot - allies and enemies - they never functioned as just background, evidence to the scope of what was going on. And I'm annoyed because what this SPN spoiler seems to suggest is that these gods (Baldur, Ganesh, Kali, Mercury, Zao Shen) - like the Four Horsemen - are going to be used as a sign of Big Shit Going Down, as mainly exotic spectacles in the morality play of Dean and Sammy and their Daddy Issues. I'm sick of it. If any of them are actually scared or worried about Incoming Apocalypse, I think I might puke.

[tv] supernatural, meta

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