Drabble: Contortionist (Heroes/Moonlight)

Nov 19, 2007 23:31

transtempts keeps giving me ideas for Adam/Josef drabbles, and I can't help but write them. Follows in the same sequence as Saudade and Love (And Other Catastrophes). Spoilers up to 2.08.

Adam Monroe and Josef Konstantin, 19th century. PG.

The others' world
is not ours: not the same.
- Miguel Hernandez


"Save the world?" you ask, tongue slurring a bit, absinthe-green padding hazily across your pupils as you focus them on me. "What does that even mean?"

And I shrug. "Didn't think to ask him."

"Ominous indeed, this messenger from the future," you reply darkly: "From what virulent collapse might the empires need saving, to necessitate such extremes?"

You and I both know: World is far smaller than we once imagined it, and less of a mystery. Everywhere preyed by the same struggles - famine, war, chaos, disease. Mankind are like dandelions, individually fragile and meaningless, yet resilient as a species.

But then, so are we.

Evolution, Hiro called it. Will call it.

"Change, observe, adapt," you say. "Just hope that you recognise the danger when it comes. If it comes."

You chuckle ironically. "Dear one" - your eyes linger a while on my face - "we're all counting on you to be a hero."

19 November 2007

my fic, fic-moonlight, fic-heroes, crossover, josef, adam monroe

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