And there was a clamer of noise.
So I had my last class. it wasn't too bad other then the fact that having the class means I am going to have to have my Advanced 3d review this quarter!!! dun..dun..dun!! Its really scary. I don't want to have to get up infront of people and be like well this is my stuff.....I'm not sure what I am going to show so I am going to try and make some new stuff and hopefully I have my review later so I can use the stuff I am working on this quarter. :-/
I hope they don't look at me and tell me I suck. I am really afraid of that. If that happens it will completely ruin my quarter!!
On a happier note, me and ernie went out yesterday. I picked up a copy of Heart of Darkness for eight bucks.( eight buckets cheaper than the one at school) I am going to try and start reading that. Ernie got something for himself too. He got assasians' creed. It might not be a book but it makes him happy.
Ernie that night I modeled another character. Its great she has hands, feet AND clothes. Thats a first.
I finished her after we got home from Southside. After making dinner Ernie pasted out from being up all day and night playing Halo III.
I didn't stay up as late as I should but I was lonely so I went to bed. While working on my model I keep turning to say something to Ernie but he was just all passed out.
Had a really good night's sleep for once until I heard voices outside my window. That scared the poop out of me. It was really weird. I hate it when they have people in our shared back yard. I was also worried that the landlord would come over and yell at us about the rent. :-/ I hope those checks come in soon. I really want to pay the rent. :-(
Today I am going to do my book and table... Yeah I have been putting it off because Its something simple but I am going to end up paying for goofing off with doing something simple. I really need to get myself out of my I don't want to do homework mood. Its hard because I don't feel like wasting my creativity on school stuff when there are so many things I want to do.
I made I model sheet for my Senshi the other night instead of doing that home worm. Its ok, I didn't finish it because the scan was so awful. Ernie's scanner is little and crappy.
So hopefully today I can get my stuff done before we go hang out with Miky.