Aug 26, 2005 16:36
"i jsut read your blogs... im not a player! if i were i would be the worst player ever... players dont love! and i for sure love you!... im serious, lets get married at the donut shop. it will be like a fairy tale. we'll eat vegan donuts and i'll wear a suit. you in a dress and we'll both wear sneakers. mine are vans... sorry no chucks. im at a crappy cafe surrounded by crappy people wish i was pinned to a bed by you instead... is that too much to say? well thats what i want...
i cant wait to make people feel wierd by making out on the train... and everywhere else. i cant wait for late nights of take out food, horror movies and back rubs. and i cant wait for waking up to you with still sleepy eyes.
i cant wait for a lot of things! 18 days is taking forever. i want you now.
and forever.