Jun 12, 2006 09:07
After such an incredible experience over the weekend, I decided that I have no choice but to begin the quest to try every single Sam Adams beer available. There are 22 altogether, so aside from waiting on the six remaining seasonal brews, this shouldn't take too long.
Double Bock, Cream Stout, and Old Feziwig Ale are the next on the list...
BONNAROO is less than four days away!
I'm going to be looking for a second job when I get back from Bonnaroo, so if anybody wants to help hook it up with a job, feel free.
Amputechture has been declared as the title for the third studio album from The Mars Volta. According to certain interviews with Ikey Owens, John Theodore, and Cedric Bixler-Zavala, word has it that Omar already has the concepts and layouts on the way for albums four and five.