2007 in Review Part 3 - The Highlights!

Dec 22, 2007 21:52

Now I could've easily transitioned the end of Part 2 into writing about Lauren, but not just yet!  I'm actually still gathering my thoughts on her.  Well, it's more like trying to corral all these thoughts and feelings into one big cohesive thought that connects.  Besides, when she reads it, I just want her to melt.  So, for now, I'll cite a few of the major highlights in my life for the year.

1.  THE ROCK BOAT.  It is such a great way for a concert whore to kick off a new year!  If you appreciate music the way I do, then The Rock Boat is for you!  You're on a boat w/ about 2000 other concert whores and musicians and you're having a kickass time on the seas!  And yes, the Caribbean is BEAUTIFUL in January!

2.  THE RAISE.  New Director of Operations comes to town, and thinks I'm crap.  Along comes his deputy, who gives me a chance to state my case that I should move up.  Next thing you know, I get my wish to become closer and I get a raise to go with that!  Sure, my year-end raise might be crap, but year-end to year-end, it'll be a pretty sweet bump.

2a.  RIZ IS LEAD CLOSER.  Enough said.

3.  RIZ IS A BIG FLIRT.  If anyone remembers me from when I was a child, they would've remembered me back then as a shy loner.  Nowadays, I'm actually giving myself opportunities to introduce myself to new people and potential new friends and hookup partners.  My, how I've come a long way.

4.  LAUREN JESSICA MUTZ.  She basically made my year.  To be continued...
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