2007 in Review Part 2 - The Social Life

Dec 22, 2007 18:27

I actually had a couple more sections that I wanted to write about:  my church/spiritual life and my job/career.  But out of fear that the church folk and the co-workers could end up being snitches, I decided to just forge ahead and talk about how much of a social butterfly I've become in 2007.  So here we go.

With a lighter concert load than normal, I had to go be a "normal" social being (when you don't see Julie for an entire summer, there's a problem).  Which means, to a lot of people, go to a bar, create a conversation with a random person, and let the chips fall where they may.

At the time I write this, I would be at the Cubbyhole right now, but I'm down and out on the disabled list with the stomach flu.  Nevertheless, the Cubbyhole in the West Village has been my mainstay bar for many a Saturday afternoon in 2007.  On a normal drinking session, I feed the jukebox money, I sing along to my favorite tunes and drink my Guinness happily.  Of course, I've earned my spot on the bar along with the late afternoon/early evening regulars, and the Saturday day bartender is like my Mama bear, making sure I'm taken care of.

Now I've had my share of interesting stories from the Cubbyhole.  Take, for instance, the girl that had just moved in to the city.  We both struck up a conversation, and the next thing ya know, we both grab dinner and I take her to her very first movie in the city.  Or that one older chick who drunk enough to hook up w/ me.  Or that unstable girl who was starving for attention.  I'm sure there were way more stories, but those three stood out the most in my head.  And yes, I did visit the Cubbyhole on a night other than Saturday!  Take that one time where I was so pissed off with work that I went straight to the Cubby and drank so much Guinness I showed up for work the next day pissed off and w/ a hangover.

Another big theme with the social life this year was making new friends in the most random of situations.  Vanessa, Laura and Colleen were three girls I met on the street...on Vanessa's birthday...as I was walking home from a long day of drinking and rocking out...

"Excuse me, sir, which way is it to Ludlow Street?"
"It's that way."
"It's like, two blocks, right?"
"It's my birthday, wanna join us for drinks?  And buy me a shot?"
"Sure, why not?"

So I join the party, buy the birthday girl a shot, and had an amazing time.  Vanessa and I exchanged numbers that night ("you're such a cool kid, I want you to have my number"), and we've met only one other time.  But she's still cool enough to remain on my top friends on MySpace in the hopes that we can meet up more often in 2008.

Another person I met randomly this year was Alli.  Alli was at the Knitting Factory to see her friend play in a band.  I was at the Knitting Factory to see my favorite band play.  Alli was drunk.  I was buzzed, nowhere near wasted.  Next thing ya know, after the show ended and everyone was kicked out, her friend's band and my favorite band went to a bar for drinks.  Alli was there; so was I.  We started chatting, and she invited me to her party.  Seeing as she wanted to really see if I was cool enough to chill, she brought me out the next night for drinks, and since then, we've been drinking buddies.  Outside of that context, Alli is an awesome to talk to and is very inviting and open about things.

I met Casey and Sarah through Julie on a day when they were supposed to see Les Miserables, but the stagehands were on strike.  Sure, they're young, but they're awesome people to be around.  You should see Casey's main profile pic on Facebook.  I heart them both!

And last, but never the very least, is Lauren.  At this point, I can go on and on and on about her, so she's gonna get her own Year in Review Section.  Lauren, I love you!
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