Yes, I'm still using LJ D:

Feb 24, 2012 12:22

The Asian American Basketball Leagues That Helped Create Linsanity

That Lin inspires other Asian American basketball players isn’t a surprise. What’s worth noting is the reason for his appeal. It’s not just the facts of the story so much as it is the context. Lin has become one of the few Asian American athletes to make it big-from a community that’s long been obsessed with basketball.

California, where Lin grew up, is home to a large and storied network of Asian American basketball leagues that have been around for nearly a century. Though it’s unclear whether Lin played in one when he was younger, the fact that his devoted Asian American fan base has been whisked into the spotlight hints at the much larger role that basketball has played in allowing Asian Americans-particularly those of Japanese and Chinese descent-to forge identities and retain their cultural heritage.

politics, the world, these people are my heroes

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