i was blessed to be loved by someone as wonderful as you

Sep 02, 2011 23:06

Apparently uninstalling Adium means that I am now forced to update every time I feel the need to socialize. Or when I get antsy, and needing to just say stuff because I've been quiet all day and need to clear my mind of extraneous nonsense to make room for the work/school-related things that are still floating around.

Don't worry, Adium will be back someday, but right now I seriously need to just buckle down, clear some of my work, and stay focused on this application. Also get this awful kink out of my right shoulder.


I still have not been paid any of my backpay (i.e. the hours I entered correctly but the company didn't pay me because of a missing piece of information in my employee profile that I had no control over). Fantastic! But it's okay, because at least now I have $950 more in my bank account than I did before. I would like that other paycheck, though, so that I can do things like pay interest on my small-house-sized loan.

My brother is now watching Arrested Development. I want to get him started on Community but it's not on Netflix.

I need to stop playing Pretty Pet Salon. Like, seriously. I'm addicted when I don't have Internet, it's awful.

I started my new job! It's the right amount of actual application of my mind mixed with organizational tasks that indulge the obsessive part of me for me to enjoy. I hate laptops though and have gotten accustomed to using a desktop, so I'll have to... undo that.

I also bought Samurai Warriors 3 for the Wii for my birthday. idk, I had a certificate to Best Buy and it was on sale. UGGGGGH SO MANY GAMES I HAVE NOT PLAYED.

My mother has suggested that I buy myself a PS3 so I can play more Square Enix games. I find it a little annoying that the only way to familiarize myself with video games is to buy the console and possibly the games, which I can't afford, which is why I need the job in the first place. It's a vicious cycle.


The first two seasons of Psych were really good.

In other news, my Etsy coupon is still in effect! Use coupon code BIRTHDAY at checkout for 24% off your purchase! That would take this beautiful necklace down to under $37!

Enchanted Light II Necklace

I'll be adding more items until the code is deactivated on September 10 (:

my crafty ways, games, money, video games, work, internets, jewelry, television

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