
Aug 30, 2011 21:28



I slept in this morning. Until like 10:30 or something. I think Alex was txting me in the morning. I'm not really clear on the details, and I think I deleted all the txts. Oops. All I have left is:

"Did p90X ab workout. My tummy hurts"

I thought it was funny, which is why I saved it.

Then I took a long bath and read Inkheart. Which is surprisingly good. I'm really enjoying it, in the way that reminds me why I love children's lit and storytelling. It makes me miss my younger days, when I had an imagination and could come up with interesting ideas.

Then there was this weird period of time where I kind of thought the day was going to suck. I wanted to see Green Lantern, but there aren't very many theatres still showing it. We drove to the one in Pasadena but we left a little late, so we got there after the previews started and couldn't find parking. My brother was so pissed I told him to forget it and we went to Office Depot to take care of an errand. He calmed down and we looked up the Arcadia theatre and found out that both Captain America and Cowboys and Aliens were showing around 2, so we drove to the mall. Since one of those two was rated significantly higher than the other and Kevin was paying, I said we should see the former.

Turns out Rotten Tomatoes didn't lie - it was a pretty good movie :D I was very pleased. Even though the movie freaked my brother out, which I still think is funny (he scares easily. Not in a horror movie kind of way, but he gets startled so he's very jumpy). Seriously, try watching Doctor Who or Sherlock with him. It's startling and hilarious all at the same time.

He even got us popcorn and soda! Yay~

We stopped by the optometrists to look at glasses. I'm getting sunglasses! And new glasses. I kind of liked my old Calvin Klein frames from a couple years ago and was just going to put new lenses in them, but my dad is worried that they're not stylish or comfortable anymore, lol. So I'm going to go dig them up and then look at new frames, since my dad has this ridiculous frame allowance.

Does anyone know if I should get polarized lenses in my sunglasses?

Then we stopped by Half and Half for drinks on our way home. :D I got caramel, coffee jelly, and honey boba in milk :3 Kevin got chocolate in his and it was pretty good.

Then there was another period of time was I was like >:( at everyone, but that went away once people started eating. We had BJ's! It was delicious! And now I have half a salad for tomorrow's lunch! And we got pazookies! Mmmmmm pazookies~ My dad and I each got one for our birthdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays.

My aunt took my brother and I home from the mall but we stopped at Sephora on the way out to get my free birthday gift! We also bought some lipgloss for me so I didn't feel so awkward about just getting my free gift, lmao.

Now I'm doing work and kind of wishing I had my pajama pants to wear while I sit at the computer typing forever in Japanese and trying not to stress out. It's much easier now that nice things are happening and they are nice things I like.

Hngh, there's reading I'm supposed to do before work tomorrowwwwwwwwwwww...

Also! As your reward for being my friends and loving me I've created a special coupon code for my Etsy shop. Use the code BIRTHDAY at checkout to get 24% off! (Yes, I'm a bitty 24 years old. And damn cute.) I have a very small number of items in my shop at the moment, but you use it on a custom order or on anything in stock, like these little darlings:

Spring Fairy Earrings

I'm deactivating the code on September 10 (I'll be out of town over the Labor Day weekend).

my crafty ways, books, friends, glasses, shopping, jewelry, movies, real life, birthday

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