did i accidentally touch invisible peanut butter?

Jul 07, 2011 17:41

Interesting, I'm breaking out in hives but I have no idea why. FASCINATING. WHAT IS MY IMMUNE SYSTEM FLIPPING OUT OVER?

Anyway, we shall complain extensively about AX later, because it sucked. Except that it kind of sucked so much that thinking about how much it sucked exhausts me.


Went shopping today and bought ~*shiny things*~. I seriously need to stop buying jewelry, it's overflowing everywhere in my room and I can't seem to keep it under control with any number of jewelry boxes.

Made a handful of stops in Arcadia while I was up there: the studio, Alex's house, Mary's house, my parents' doctor, and the bead store.


My first class starts ~*TUESSSSSSSSSSSDAAAAAAAAAAAAY*~ and I really need to prepare for it. 24 KIDS. THAT'S LIKE A REAL CLASS MAN.

I can't wait to unload all of their materials from my car! OH BOY.

ax, work, body why you fail me, shopping, friends, lol what is this, real life

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