"I always feel like you should lose a life when someone Panics your horse."

Jul 03, 2011 11:55

Am stealing stardarkangel's Netbook to use the Internet because the wireless is fail and I am bored.

And by bored I mean tired and unwilling to leave the hotel alone because most of the fun is in our hotel rooms.

This has been the most fail AX I've ever been to, but at least we're hanging out and having fun.

*yawns* Had an awful headache yesterday evening (I downed an entire bottle of water in about a minute when I finally made it back to the hotel because I was dehydrated) and am still feeling a little meh. Hoping that it won't come back to bite me later in the day, I kind of wanted to see how they're using Club Nokia for the dance.

(ngl am also still waiting to hear a DJ play a remix of the American Sailor Moon theme at it)

Uhhhh if anyone wants anything specific they should say so here. I'm doing my shopping tomorrow and I don't really want anything (except maybe tiny cute figures of the Reborn ring animals a;lkdjfalkdjfd KANGARYUUUUUUUUUUUUU), so I can spend the time (probably) picking up stuff for other people if I can find it in the CHAOS. Leave me names of items, links to pictures, links to DA pages, everything you can to help me locate your specific item, and I'll do my best!

ax, shopping, fandom, friends

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