Roomspace at AX

Jun 05, 2011 14:54

Just really quickly:

If anyone on my flist is going to AX this year and needs a place to crash, our rooms have one (1) extra space in them since my brother is going to England ON A FULBRIGHT PROGRAM*. You would make 8 in two rooms and the 3 nights would be split evenly between all 8 of us (it comes out to something like $110 per person with tax and everything).

You are under no obligation to us other than to follow the standard 2 meals-1 shower-5 hours of sleep rule (and really I'm probably going to skimp on that sleeping rule) and keep your stuff reasonably clean so I don't kill myself stumbling over it in the dark. Alex will probably try to talk you into joining us in the scavenger hunt since this is now a 3 year attempt, but you are free to say no.

We'll be arriving the morning/afternoon of July 1 (we haven't quite worked this part out yet), but we'll work with you to get your luggage with ours or you're free to deal with your luggage on your own. We'll be checking out July 4 at the standard checkout time. If you need transportation somewhere afterward I'll try to work with you how to get you there; we usually leave con around 3:30-4 and I can get back to a car.

If you're interested shoot me an email, lilkokeshi @ yahoo . com, or comment here ASAP.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to do my SAT training over because I let my certification expire and subsequently need to take a practice exam. Never mind that I've seen this exam a million times and in fact have taken it before.

*My conversation with Alex:

alanna: Kevin can't go to AX this year since he's going to England, so we're down to 7. What do.
(chatter about how to deal with new group number)
Alex: Man, Kevin, screwing everything up. What's he even going to England for anyway?
alanna: Uh... he got accepted to a Fulbright program.
Alex: ... Oh.

ax, psa

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