
May 22, 2011 13:50

Friday I went to the student health center for a check-up and my pelvic exam. Since they kicked me out of pediatrics I haven't had a regular doctor, even though I've been insured and have had easy access to student health ever since. It seems stupid to not take care of regular check-ups while I'm still healthy, but there you go. I need a real primary care physician when I get home though, since I'm finally not going to be a student anymore ):

While I was there I started my HPV vaccine rounds, which I'd meant to do years ago but had to cancel the appointment due to an infection I was recovering from. Fun tiems in the life of alanna's health. Just as an FYI: if you do it (which I would recommend anyway) it feels really weird. It goes into the muscle, so it hurts a little, but it's accompanied by a weird stinging/burning sensation. It fades quickly and leaves minimal soreness (the nurse said I might feel sore for a couple of days, but I was pretty much over it by the evening).

Mom and I stopped by Grace's for one last smoothie - they'd already cancelled my Flex 8( Went to Target to fill my Epi-pen prescription, and the nurse gave me a prescription for a steroid cream for my eczema. Also picked up the third season of Chuck.

Had dinner and then I spent the rest of the evening napping while my mother watched TV. We started watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets before I went to see Fast Five with Lu. lmao that movie needed more cars. Super entertaining and physics-defying, but definitely needed more pretty cars and more racing :3 It's like Ocean's Eleven, only with more cars, more violence, in Rio, and with Vin Diesel. Lu and I are so amused that Sung Kang was the "chameleon."

Spent yesterday packing and watching the Harry Potter movies on TV. I had work in the afternoon in Raleigh, where I knitted, read some Freud, played some Castlevania, and read Vampire Academy, which Bri has been trying to get me to read for over a month since she made me buy it at the closing Borders. I'm supposed to be reading The Third Policeman with b_radwick, but since the university cut off my library access I haven't had anyplace to get books from ): Those jerks.

My mother and I remember a surprising amount of Harry Potter plot, considering how long ago we read the books/saw the movies. We're still of the opinion that the books devolved quite a bit once actual plot got involved, but we're also of the opinion that J.K. Rowling is not a great writer.

I really need to edit my thesis today so I can get it printed tonight. Grrr.

my work!, books, body why you fail me, lookit me go!, friends, video games, work, shopping, movies, school, real life, television

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