
Nov 01, 2010 23:47

The weekend!

Friday sucked hard. I was a bit stressed out by the fact that something I was expecting in the mail hadn't arrived, so I spent a good part of the morning trying to figure out where it was and/or how to get it to me. I also finished packing (mostly) and tried to study for my interview, and made a stop by the student store for the 31% off sale. New t-shirt and jacket!

The interviews were running 20 minutes behind; when I got there right before mine was supposed to start, Courtney was still sitting outside, so I had to hop over her and put her another 20 minutes behind. I tried to catch my shuttle back to my parking lot, but the shuttle totally passed me by. I had to walk the 15 minutes back to my parking lot, and was totally pissed off.

Now well late, I rushed back home, tried to grab the last of my things (and forgot some things in the process), and took off for the airport. I got to the lot, parked, got on the shuttle, ran through security, and got in line to board. The flights were fine, though I was tired, and I got to the hotel fine. I managed to check-in everywhere, then spent over an hour on the phone with Alex before heading in to bingo, which was also exhausting. What I was really tired okay :|

Saturday we spent at con, hopping between panels and shopping. Yamane Ayano is pretty~~~ And Japanese seiyuu are really very stylish and I am envious - and fairly certain that Kiuchi Hidenobu was wearing a shirt very similiar to one I bought for my brother in Japan. That panel was fun, even though we had to miss a bit of it cleaning up lunch. And obviously, pretty things were bought. Although I leaned towards buying rare or surprising things that I found, such as the Asuka punch-out playing cards and a Tactics print. To my slight regret, my wallet demanded that I avoid the Gankutsuou prints, but I did splurge a little on tiny cute things.

We walked over to Elephant Bar for dinner - thank goodness for alcohol - then there was confusion everywhere before the auction, which I half paid attention to. I tried to do some reading (I'd finished my architecture reading during the panels/lines earlier that day), but was too tired and stressed about having not finished off my essays, so I left about an hour before the auction actually ended. The seiyuu somehow magically ended up as part of it, which was hilarious, and the tech crew pulled together $11,000 for it. Holy crap.

I napped for a bit before Emlee and I went to the dance... which was okay. The DJ is never very good at these things, why. The best DJs are always at AX and that is just a little depressing (even though, okay, I'm sure LA has the best selection of DJs). Anyway. Then I finished off my essay stuff and went to sleep for a few hours before a grueling Sunday of last-minute shopping, wandering around in my very tall spiky heels, standing in lines, and awkward experiences in Japanese.

I have shiny things now!

There are a number of other shinies that are more cute than shiny, but you will just have to wait for those :D WAIT IN ANTICIPATION THERE IS A TINY APOLLO AMONGST THEM.

... Also I had another dream about Ace Attorney kitties :'D

pretty things!, yaoi con, friends, relevant to my interests, manga, grad school, mornings suck, shopping, school, real life

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