*shifty eyes*

Sep 16, 2010 23:48

Moar meme! This time from cloudxsora. Since that's pretty much all anyone seems to connect with.

Reply with "MAGICAL GATEWAY TO NARNIA" (sorry bebopsamurai and I'll give you four fandoms. You then have to make an entry writing about your favorite character from each fandom, and why.


Who doesn't love Sokka? Sokka is amazing and adorable and hilarious and ahhhh. He's the perfect counterbalance to Katara and Aang, who quite frankly get kind of annoying after a time. He always made me laugh, and I liked him enough to feel pain when he was in awkward situations.


I'm so. Torn. Obviously they are both beautiful and this is most of why I can't help but go a little glassy eyed every time they do anything. BUT Hakkai is amazingly screwed up in his head, as darling as he is, and that makes him kind of interesting. Also he is a tough cookie and will fuck your shit up if you mess with him.

Nii is just fucking insane and it's amazing.

Final Fantasy

... This is self-explanatory. Who does not love him and want to have his babies?


This one is tough! I stopped paying attention like a long-ass time ago so I'm not really well-informed on why I like

... I don't know half the characters in that picture, but I started out looking for Grell and Spears and. I found this and. *o*

video games, manga, anime, meme, fandom

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