A confession before bed

Apr 13, 2010 01:28

the good vibrations meme

Okay, so actually two. I don't expect you to respond to the meme, mostly because I'm a lame-butt and am not responding to the meme much. I do just kind of like the song, and I wanted to pimp it on my LJ.

Second confession is this: I judge you when you complain about how much you hate children.

I don't mind if you don't like kids. That's everyone's personal preference and I can understand people who feel that way, though I find it difficult to sympathize. I mean, children are just children. In terms of development, children need to be exposed to a lot of different things before most of them figure out not to cry on a long plane ride. It's not like it's their fault for crying or being upset and not being constrained enough to not do anything about it. We were all children once, crying and complaining and wanting to be held by our parents.

But going on and on, as though hating children makes you cool? Gets on my nerves. No, it doesn't make you one of the cool kids to hate on children.

I honestly have no idea why I hate it so much. I just... it bothers me to no end that complaining about how awful children are and how you can't stand them seems to make people feel cool. Go ahead and dislike them and not want them all you want, but a good chunk of the world likes children and would like to have them someday. I don't even really know how to differentiate dislike from what I'm talking about, I'm just that tired and annoyed.

Maybe it is because I've been creepily indoctrinated with this passive, 1950s housewife desire to bear children and care for them and raise them and watch them contribute to the world. I've known forever, I think, that I want children, and I want to carry and bear them myself. Even if I'm not even 5' and will need a messy, awful c-section when I eventually do get to that point because I'm so small. Sure, it'll be tough, I have no doubt, but I'll find a way, and I will not regret it. I am so excited by the prospect of living with a family this summer, and getting to know younger children and live with them, completely beyond the scope of my research on children's culture and literature.

Kids do weird shit, and I really don't mind at all.

So here's hoping that I will actually get to have children, and here's telling all the child-bashers to stfu.

meme, real life

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