i'm going places on it!

Apr 12, 2010 11:04

Yesterday I woke up, stopped by Perkins to pick up Lizard by Yoshimoto Banana, then went to work. omnomnom work. I wish I'd known before I went that I would be able to pick up the Duke network on my computer orz As it was I finished the readings for Tuesday and played some Investigations and Pokemon (Diamond).

After work I came home, cleaned a little, whined a lot, heated up leftovers and ate dinner before heading over to Jordan's to wash one of my comforters. We went to pick up her dinner, then to Starbucks for coffee. Just as an FYI: coffee does not go necessarily well with Thai food.

We did completely useless things, like looking up the World Fairs/Expos and their logos and themes (the blue dude all over Shanghai is a little creepy looking, in our opinion). And then I came home covered in cat hair and with a clean comforter. Yay!

Okay so yesterday was totally useless, but here's the schedule for the Soon Tiem.

-Japanese essay (today)
-Response (tomorrow)
-Research paper - Japanese lit (first draft due April 26)
-Japanese group project (sound file due Thursday)
-Pop culture group project (due... next Tuesday lmao)
-Pop culture essay (due sometime in May)
-Tokage (Thursday)
-FAFSA (holy gods how have I not done this)
-Tax paperwork
-Find an apartment (;___; sometime soon)

I also have, as always, Japanese homework, though I did most of this week's yesterday during work. I didn't study very much for the 単語 quiz tomorrow though, fml.

I ALSO NEED TO LIKE. SERIOUSLY SIT DOWN WITH PROFESSOR CHING AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HIS AWESOMENESS before he goes on sabbatical. *sob* I want him to be my capstone advisor ): But since I can't have him as my advisor, I want all his ideas before the semester ends. Also his thoughts on PhD programs, which I think he's already told me but in very broad terms.

Now I am hungry and so I will go eat.

moar grad school, homework can go diaf, japanese, friends, video games, pokemon, grad school, school, real life, phoenix wright

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