Jul 07, 2009 12:51

Saturday, July 4

Saturday morning we woke up and... I really have no idea. Kevin and Alex headed over early for panels, and Edmund had a signing to go to, so Emlee and I stayed around and drank up the hot chocolate with the giant marshmallow blocks. Then we hopped on a shuttle to the convention center, where we were only there for a few minutes before meeting up with Steven (during which time I saw Charles, who decided at the last minute not to go to lunch with us). Kevin was in a signing of his own, so it ended up being a perfect 5 person car ride to Little Tokyo.

Once in Little Tokyo we went to some tofu-ish place in Weller Court that I didn't even know existed. The place has really changed... even in the few months I haven't been all over Little Tokyo, it's changed. It's always been a place of change, but I just... it's weird to me, that it's almost nothing like what I remember as a child. Tangent. We had to wait a bit for a table because there were 5 of us, then we had to wait to order, and then to get our food... The poor waitress knocked half of it off a table, and we felt so bad. Because of the wait and the food thing, Edmund got his meal for free, which meant that the whole affair was cheaper for everyone. And we made sure to leave a nice tip.

Stopped by Marukai so I could get something for Kevin for lunch, and apparently Emily and Edmund got snacks, then Steven drove us back past all the newscrews staking out space outside the Staples Center. lol. In the process, Steven turned into a "bus only" lane, which is when we decided that we were a bus. With signs. Met up with Charles, wandered around a bit, then got a new badge holder since mine was falling apart. Met up with Kevin after his signing (his doodle!Vash is EFFING ADORABLE), then Charles and I went shopping again and Kevin went to the Power Rangers panel. Charles and I agreed to get together after Masquerade to have a drink at the Westin.

Kevin, Alex, Edmund and I converged on the Scavenger Hunt area and dug up the remaining people necessary for a team of 10... when we discovered that somehow they already had 20 teams of 10. What? This still seems bizarre, and I really wish AX would plan these sorts of things better. Let us register in advance then, or something. Or put the meeting time earlier, so that at the time the event is supposed to begin it isn't already full.

Anyway, we converged and then dispersed again, because really we didn't have much to do at this point. Later we headed back to the hotel for dinner, which was cup noodles because we had SO MANY OF THEM but hadn't eaten any. There was also still a couple slices of leftover pizza. Omnomnom. They let me watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune! Kevin can't believe I like game shows so much ):

Alex headed off to Masquerade, then Edmund and Kevin went to the Arcade, and then I went to the convention center to meet Charles. I met his roommates, and we hung out in their room for a bit (where I incidentally took a nap, because I was bored). The Westin has a really beautiful bar on the top floor, so that of course is where Charles and I went for drinks. He was paying, so I wasn't going to complain. The room rotates so you can see the LA skyline as you relax - which is basically what he wanted to do. The best part was the tiny little glass of Goldfish crackers they give you.

After the drinks we went back to Charles's room, because I was exhausted, and I passed out. For maybe an hour and a half. Then I woke up purely to vomit. I'm not kidding. I feel very bad for Charles's roommates, who were leaving as I was rushing to the bathroom ): Anyway, after that I just passed out and didn't wake up again until 6, even though I had meant to go to the dance again. I just... couldn't.

At 6 I woke up for real and tiptoed my way around bodies and took the shuttle back to the Omni, where Kevin and Alex were freaking out. And then we all fell asleep again.

ax, friends, television

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