Keeping up traditions

Jul 07, 2009 11:51

So to follow up on last year's blogging backwards:

Eh heh heh. So after Alcoholic Beverage Fail I woke up later that morning and we tried to get ready. There wasn't much going on, but Alex left with his stuff and said he'd check on the Open Signing session for us. The rest of us ate and cleaned up, and once Kevin was ready I told him to leave too, especially since Alex called and said that Kouga Yun was going to be there! Then I had to wait for Emily and Edmund, plus clean up the random messes that everyone left behind.

So finally I get to the convention center and join Kevin in line, which was actually surprisingly easy. I feel vaguely bad, but not really, because the lines were pretty short. They had everyone line up in one general line and then once inside you picked the GoH you wanted to wait for. Emlee got in the wrong line -___- But anyway. Even though the rules said that Kouga wasn't allowing pictures at her actual signings, she totally allowed pictures at the Open one. SO KEVIN AND I HAVE PICTURES. She's seriously really, really adorable.

And I have a shiny Gundam 00 picture signed. HER DRAWINGS. ♥ I love me my Lockon, but she signed over Setsuna, 'cause he's her favorite. *sigh*

Once that was done, and I didn't want to get back in line to have my volume of Loveless signed, Kevin and I wandered to the exhibition hall to BUY THINGS. We now have matching panda shirts (again), I have a kokeshi shirt, a mini!Chomesuke, a small Aerith figurine (which I will probably be looking to sell sometime), and a kitty in the rain shirt. And I think that's all I was able to afford that day. We also watched Emlee buy a dress. Muahahahaha.

Kevin and Alex and I met up in the hall outside the exhibition hall for waiting and pictures. Then we ran to the shuttles because FOR ONCE OURS WAS THERE - oh wait, it had no driver :/ Eventually, both Emlee and Edmund and the driver showed up, and we went back to the hotel to collect our belongings and meet up with parents and such. Emlee needed to go to the airport, which Alex... forgot? so he ended up coming with us.

Back at the studio Kevin and I played a game of Mario Party and OWNED Wario and Waluigi. Maybe one day we'll up the level on the computer. I changed my fish's water, we had dinner, etc. etc. And then we went home, where we started to unpack and I passed out on the couch, I think.

ax, video games, manga, anime, way too happy

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