26 Questions meme

Dec 30, 2005 22:55

Stolen from docbrite

1. You have $10 and need to buy snacks at a gas station; what do you buy?

Beef jerky and hot peanuts.

2. If you had to be reincarnated as some sort of sea-dwelling creature, what would you be?

A mermaid, or a maybe a seahorse.

3. Who's your favorite redhead?

Craig Kilborn.

4. What do you order when you're at a pancake house?

Does Denny's count? I like their french toast.

5. Do you own any... naughty toys?

Maybe...define naughty.

6. Have you made out with anyone on your friends list?

Alas, no.

7. Describe your favorite pair of underwear:

Boy leg briefs in black lace. I also have a fetish for wifebeaters...erm, the men's cotton undershirt kind, not the abusive asshole kind.

8. Describe the last time you were injured:

Hmmm. I injured my left big toe a few weeks back. I lost my balance on the brick porch steps and my sock snagged the brick, causing me to stub my toe in a really odd way. The result was the end of my toe splitting open and the rest of it turning interesting shades of black and blue.

9. Are there any odd things that make you feel comfortable?

Getting a tattoo. Watching horror movies in the dark.

11. Tell me a weird story from your high school years:

I don't think I have any. Well, my cousin sharing her prom date with me was kind of weird. Not *sharing* in the down and dirty way, sheesh! No, she decided that (since we both had mad crushes on him) instead of going out with her friends before the prom she would bring him to my house...I cooked dinner and we both drooled over him until time for them to go.

12. What is the wallpaper on your cell phone?


13. Soda?

No thanks. Maybe ginger-ale or Sprite once in a while.

14. Flavor of pudding?


15. What type of shirt are you wearing?

Right now? A blue Gap pullover I bought at Goodwill.

16. Prescription medication?

Thankfully, no. I have started taking Glucosamine and Chondroitin and let me tell ya, my joints are THANKING ME!

17. If you could use only one form of transportation for the rest of your life, what would it be?


18. How many people are on your friends list?

Don't know.Too lazy to check. Less than ten?

19. How many people on your list do you know in real life?

One, I think.

20. What are you listening to right now?


21. Most recent movie you watched?

Probably Rent. Before that, Harry and Max.

22. Name 5 things you have with you at all times:

My tattoos. Dry skin. Thoughts. My mom and sister's love. Potential.

23. Would you rather give or receive a foot massage?

Well, I'd rather give or receive a back rub, but if I have to pick...give. My feet are very ticklish.

24. Name a teacher you had the hots for:

Mmmm, Charley Reynolds. Still have the hots for him, suppose I always will.

25. What is a saying that you use a lot?

I'm saying. I think I may have got that from Mad About You.

26. What's one piece of advice that you think should be passed on to every child?

You don't have to learn from your own mistakes, other people's work just as well if you're paying attention.
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