Title: Coffee For Two.
Writter: Angel Reid
The coffee shop had opened three years ago, where the old basketball court had been. Dakota Union had decided against rebuilding the court, and the coffee shop had gone in, without a second thought.
The coffee wasn't half bad, the blond man seated at one of the booths thought, swirling around the remaining swig of toffee coloured liquid in his cup. He glanced at the clock on the wall, reminding himself why he was here; his companion would be meeting him there any moment, or so he'd been promised. In their line of work, nothing was a certainty; if something came up, the blond could be there all night.
"Would you like another coffee, honey?" the elderly waitress, Helen, stated, leaning against the booth table. The man, now in his early twentys, shook his head, smiling slightly as Helen nodded in understanding.
"I told him I'd wait up for him, so there's no point in buying another drink until he arrives, right? Although, I could do with a slice of your apple pie, Helen...it always hits the spot." Helen chuckled under her breath, shaking her head slightly.
"If you keep eating it, you're gunna get fat, sug. But for you, I'll get you a slice. Fresh from the oven, even." The blond grinned, and the elderly woman smiled, moving to go get his food. When the pie was placed on the table, he grinned, digging into it happily.
"You know, if you keep eating, you WILL get fat. Funny how that works, isn't it?" Looking up, the blond came face to face with the dark skinned man he was to meet.
"Hey, V. How'd patrolling go?" Virgil Hawkins shrugged, putting his jacket on the booth seat beside him, and yawned slightly.
"Went alright. Nothing new came up, and it was sort of boring. How was your exam?" The blond shrugged, bringing a fork full of pie to Virgil's mouth. Virgil took the pie, smiling happily, and motioned Helen over.
"Could I have the usual, Helen?" he asked, then returned his attention to his firend.
"Well, Richie? How'd the entrance exam go? Are you in?" Richard Foley looked up thoughtfully, tapping his chin with his fork as he thought.
"Well, they said something about it going well, and that I'd find out tonight...so I'm guessing well. When are we going to get that fridge into our apartment, Virgil?" Virgil made an innocent look, whistling slighly.
"Sometime. When I'm not so tired." Richie rolled his eyes, snorting, and flicked a piece of pie crust at his companion.
"Oh, very mature. We're twenty two, not seven, Rich." Richie made a face, and Virgil grinned.
"So maybe we still act like children. Ah well. It's the only way we don't explode, what with college and super hero stuff all the time.A little immaturity is just what we need." Virgil laughed, putting an arm around Richie.
"Oh yeah. Just what we need. Immaturity.We never change, do we?" Richie grinned as well, just as Helen mad eher way back to the table.
"Two coffee's, love."
A/N: Ahm, forgive the suckiness. One, it's late. Two, I've been thinking in french all day, so my english is dead...Lol.