another scary whirlwhind weekend

Dec 05, 2005 17:13

baking baking- flour, sugar, butter, and eggs- used in such mass quantities- it's almost embarrassing. 10 1/2 lbs. of flour. 9 lbs. butter. 18 eggs. 3 containers of vanilla extract. approx 7 lbs. sugar, white and brown. /shivers.

Sunday we went out shopping- bought a little sumtin sumtin for the madre in law. other than that, we browsed- went to see Harry Potter, finally. A fine film, if you ask me- i believe it was the most stimulating, visually, of the four, if only for direction sensibility. I mean, it just had a good flow, events unfolded properly, it was really well done. Events were omitted, but all in all? for turning a gigantic book into a 3 hour movie? I think it succeeded wildly.

Came home, and vegetated. I couldn't even be bothered to drag myself into the computer room and play FFXI for cryin out loud. Instead, I watched a documentary on the DaVinci code- half of it was devoted to arguing for the events as Dan Brown laid them out, and the other half was for debunking them. I've never read the book, but the documentary was fascinating all the same- heh- just sit me in front of the history/discovery channel, ill only need a drool cup and a baggie of cheerios to remain comfortably entertained for hours and hours.

Then i killed 2 hours playing Phoenix Wright. OK people, listen up. If you get nothing from reading this crappy blog but this, I'll be content. GET A DS. I MEAN IT. RIGHT NOW. DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT 200 DOLLARS. THAT IS ALL. Phoenix Wright is singlehandedly the most addicting game on the DS i've played so far- and literally all you do is pick up evidence and try and defend clients by picking apart witness testimony using your brain. It doesn't hurt that it's all anime, as well. And Capcom. Need I say more? i havent touched Mario Kart DS or Animal Crossing yet- /shudders.

Now, at work, it's steady but not overwhelming, which is good since I gotta work 8a-9p tomorrow, wednesday, and thursday. XD god, if it wasn't for guitar hero, I'd worry about that. Im such a gaming geek :)
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