Terminator: Summerbot 2.08 "Mr. Ferguson is Ill Today"

Nov 12, 2008 01:08

YES. For the first time in a long time, an actual REACTION POST. With REACTIONS.

First: I LOL'D OVER AND OVER WHEN SUMMERBOT TOOK OFF HER JACKET. I STILL CAN'T THINK OF THAT WITHOUT LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY. I MEAN... for one thing there was just the way that whole episode was shot. Different camera styles for each character's perspective. Summerbot was JUST... SO DELIBERATE ABOUT TAKING OFF HER JACKET AND PUTTING IT IN FRONT OF HIS DOOR. And then she paused and it was like UHHH SUMMERBOT WHAAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO NEXT?

AFSDlkjfslksfjklfsjklkas "I don't like the way he responds to you." Hahahahahahaha

And then the awwwwwwwkward bit that followed. "Why did you take off your jacket?" And that bit of the conversation, and THEN SHE IS LYING ON THE BED REALLY AWKWARDLY AND HE IS "GLANCING" AT HER AND HE'S LIKE "UHHHH I KINDA WANT TO MAKE OUT WITH YOU ARE YOU TRYING TO FREAK OUT RILEY WITH US BEING HOT TOGETHER?"

And then they had to top it off with "YOU FEEL LONELY. WE OFTEN TALK ABOUT IT IN THE FUTURE." HASDFAFSDJKA. Oh, show. I'm not going to lie. I MISSED THE OTP MOMENTS LIKE THIS.


Third: Riley is somehow more annoying, because, GAH PLOT DEVICE I'M TIRED OF YOU: GO AWAY! Unfortunately she doesn't seem to be going away any time soon.

Fourth: Once again Summerbot kinda did the strategically smart thing and Sarah didn't?! i.e. killing those guys vs. sparing that guy's life.

Fifth: THAT WAS KIND OF A GLORIOUS END TO CROMARTIE, I THOUGHT. (Though I wasn't ENTIRELY convinced he couldn't hit Derek & Sarah in the two windows. STILL.)

Finally: ILU SUMMERBOT & ILU ELLISON & ILU JOHN & ILU SARAH and basically everybody. Great shoooow.

the summerbot is awesome show

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