Fox (Bandit) speaks on Politics...

Sep 18, 2008 23:56

As a rule, I tend not to debate about SRS TOPICS on the Internet... including politics. Which is why I don't bring UP politics, in case it causes debate. So this is will quite possibly be the only post I'll ever make about politics.

My views in a nutshell:
  • You really can't offend me with your views. Just speak your mind. =) And if flocking this ( Read more... )

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computersherpa September 20 2008, 00:54:14 UTC
There are only two issues in this election that actually involve people living and dying. As far as I'm concerned, all other issues are secondary.

The first is abortion. I cannot in good conscience vote for someone who supports what I consider to be the legalized slaughter of unborn American babies. Those fetuses may not be terribly smart yet, but they have their own unique, human DNA pattern, and I say that qualifies them as individuals and hence US citizens, which in turn qualifies them for protection under the law.

The only other issue directly involving human life and death is the War on Terror. To date, we've lost 4168 soldiers in Iraq. We're very close to victory, and the Iraqis are actually starting to ask for a withdrawal date. The job is nearly finished. My vote will go to the Commander in Chief who can most effectively finish the war. I think Obama will be too tempted to cut and run; McCain has military experience and I think he'll do the better job of finalizing our victory and then getting the troops out. Anything less dishonors the memory of the thousands of soldiers who gave their lives to keep us safe.

I have other reasons for voting for McCain--he'll take care of the military, he's stronger on foreign policy, I like his stance on energy, and Sarah Palin makes me proud to be an Alaskan--but those two are the mission-critical issues I can't compromise on. McCain/Palin will have my vote this year. :-)


psylum_atla September 20 2008, 10:23:12 UTC
As I type this please keep in mind I mean no disrespect to you, but my response is in the spirit of debate and discourse.

McCain is on record as being opposed to phased withdrawl of troops from Iraq. The Bush administration is actually following Obama's recomendations in working out a time table on a withdrawl from Iraq.

Also, McCain actually has a very poor record of taking care of troops. He's voted against the GI Bill and VA hospital funding.

McCain's Forign policy strength has been taking more and more hits lately as well. This week he confused Spain for a country in Latin America, the latest in a long line of gaffes.

List of Forign Policy gaffes:

If you'd like other sources I can find them.


computersherpa September 20 2008, 20:13:49 UTC
Most Republicans (myself included) were opposed to plans that involved shifting troops out of Iraq before the job was done, right up until the point where the Iraqis started to say, "Okay, we've got this. Y'all can go on home now." Now that Iraq has been stabilized, I'm glad we're starting to pull out. Times have changed.

Re: McCain's voting record on taking care of the troops: *looks that up on* Hmm. Interesting. And Obama voted the other way on most of those. That's kind of surprising--as someone who's been in the military, I'd expect McCain to stick up for us.

I'm not worried about the foreign policy gaffes. So he drew a blank in an interview, big deal. I'm more concerned about what his intended direction is once he's in the White House and surrounded by advisers. Obama's policy is to encourage diplomacy; McCain's policy is to keep America safe by any means necessary. Obviously, restraint is necessary when considering the military option, but I have more confidence in McCain to make the hard choices and do what it takes to keep this country secure.


psylum_atla September 21 2008, 11:20:42 UTC
Obama's toughness exibit A:

Exibit B:

I can find the unedited versions of those clips on youtube you'd like me too, but Obama is sounding a lot smarter and tougher than McCain.

Regardless of how you look at it though, the first debate on Friday should be interesting, I'll be tuning in to see how it turns out.


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