Fox (Bandit) speaks on Politics...

Sep 18, 2008 23:56

As a rule, I tend not to debate about SRS TOPICS on the Internet... including politics. Which is why I don't bring UP politics, in case it causes debate. So this is will quite possibly be the only post I'll ever make about politics.

My views in a nutshell:
  • You really can't offend me with your views. Just speak your mind. =) And if flocking this post would encourage you to say more than you would otherwise, please let me know.
  • While you can't offend me, I do want to say this: perhaps my ONLY annoyance with politics WRT this election is the idea that if you're pro-life, you can't be a feminist. Frankly, that argument is just absurd. I can certainly understand why feminist views give rise to pro-choice views for many people, but I think saying that feminism means you can't be pro-life is ridiculous. (Again, if you hold the view that feminism is uncompatable with pro-life, you won't offend me, but I'm just sayin'.)
  • P.S. Despite the comment above, I do NOT actually feel strongly on the actual abortion issue ITSELF. I'm just annoyed by the idea some people have about feminism WRT the issue.
  • P.P.S. It's also annoying when people say it's inherently inconsistent to be pro-choice but against the death penalty.
  • I'm undecided on who I'm going to vote for in the upcoming election. Feel more than free to try to convince me in the comments.
  • I'm mostly apathetic. This means that, much like uh... professional sports except for the Olympics, I don't really pay attention to it very much. I'm not the most informed voter: sorry if that offends you, but really, most of the time I just don't care and therefore I don't know as much as some no doubt think I should. This hardly makes me unfeeling and uncompassionate, but I very much prefer to help the poor (and the environment to a small extent) in ways other than political activism. Heck, in a year (okay, probably more like 2 years) I'm probably going to be living in Africa working with orphans.
  • All that said, I do lean more towards the Libertarian side of things, probably. Basically I like it when the government stays out of people's lives, you know? Freedom is where it's at! Though obviously the two leading candidates are not Libertarian, sooooo...
tl;dr I'm very, very open-minded when it comes to politics. So, flist: who do you think I should vote for? And why?
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