Fox (Bandit) speaks on Politics...

Sep 18, 2008 23:56

As a rule, I tend not to debate about SRS TOPICS on the Internet... including politics. Which is why I don't bring UP politics, in case it causes debate. So this is will quite possibly be the only post I'll ever make about politics.

My views in a nutshell:
  • You really can't offend me with your views. Just speak your mind. =) And if flocking this ( Read more... )

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zenjamen September 19 2008, 19:33:49 UTC
When asked who they are going to vote for and why, 86% will give a reason that is the "lesser of two evils" argument. People will vote for obama because they dont want McCain, and people will voe for McCain because they dont want obama.

Democracy works because of the principal found in "The Wisdom of the Crowds" (links will be on the bottom)
Basically, democracy ONLY works if you make an individual decision, independent from the control of the main-stream media and the two part duopoly.

Now, even if you dont buy into the whole "wisdom of the crowds" philosophy, you should still send a message that you want change in politics.
And here is the kicker people, both McCain and obama know you want change. Both are promising it in rhetoric. BUT, they WILL NOT give it to you.

If you look at obama's specific policies of starting a new war in Afghanistan (though im sure he uses a more tame word). If you look at How he was a champion for public financing but rejected in and the restrictions that came along with it when it suited him. If you look at how Obama refused to have unscripted head-to-head debates with McCain. If you look at how his VP pick could not have been more "old school". If you look at how he supports the notion that we should give a billion dollars to Georgia to revive a cold war and put us deeper in debt. If you look at the fact that the Obama ticket has refused to investigate the legality of the Bush's expansion of the executive branch. If you look at all these things and more, it is easy to see that his "change" mantra is just a smart political move.

Same could be said for McCain. He is not a maverick, he is not out to change Washington. He is Washington.

If you want real significant change to get our freedom back. If you want the repeal of the patriot act. If you want a politician who's chief goal is to do the right thing. If you eventually want true change. You have to vote third-party. You have to vote your values. There are 15 presidential candidates this year. Stop voting for the lesser of two evils.
If you vote with the crows, with the sheep. Your voice will not be heard, it will mean nothing.

Voting for a third party sends a message. It says "im pissed off with what is being fed to me"

Now, you may argue that this creates a spoiler effect. It was Nader that allowed Bush to take the race in 2000 (even though that has been proven to be false.)

But there are voting methods that are vastly superior to what we have now, that will allow people to truly vote for the best man(/woman). Once we get enough people voting third party. once we send a message that we will not accept the current system, this method WILL be implemented.

I am of libertarian leaning as well, I love Ron Paul. But do NOT vote for Bob Barr. He is a Republican plant who has voted with other Neo-Cons many times in the past and is only using the libertarian ticket to get some notice. He directly assaulted Ron Paul and his most recent crusade to have fair open debates for all parties.

Links you should read/listen to.
Dan Carlin has the best current events podcast out there IMO. I recommend all of them, but "Great Expectations, "The New Old Politics", "Biden Time", "McCain's "Hail Mary", "The Empty Calorie Inquisition" and "Voting for Cake", Are some of the most relevant ones to the upcoming election.
The most important reason not to vote for Bob Barr.
Instant Runoff voting.,_2008
List of 3ed party 2008 canadates.
Ron Pauls most recent campaign on trying to get 3ed party candidates some media balance.

... im sure I had more, but ill just end it here.

Before I go to vote. I will rank my 17 candidates in order of preference. I will vote for the highest one on my list that appears on my mail-in ballot.


the_fox_bandit September 22 2008, 02:53:23 UTC
Thanks so much for sharing all of that! Yeah - I've not really been too keen on either candidate, though lately Obama's been more appealing than McCain. Knowing me, I probably WILL vote 3rd candidate. Obama is an absolutely guaranteed win for my county and state (PG County, Maryland), anyway.

And thanks for the links, and especially the warnings re: Bob Barr.


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