Fox (Bandit) speaks on Politics...

Sep 18, 2008 23:56

As a rule, I tend not to debate about SRS TOPICS on the Internet... including politics. Which is why I don't bring UP politics, in case it causes debate. So this is will quite possibly be the only post I'll ever make about politics.

My views in a nutshell:
  • You really can't offend me with your views. Just speak your mind. =) And if flocking this ( Read more... )

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the_fox_bandit September 22 2008, 02:43:38 UTC
1st paragraph - yeah, I agree 100%. That's why I'm doing things like this (posting on LJ). Obviously it isn't the only thing I'm doing to inform myself, but it's one small thing among many.

2nd paragraph - thanks for sharing! And yeah - the more I'm looking into it, the more it really is sounding like I'm siding with Obama over McCain on international politics and taxes.

(The only issue is health care, but honestly it's probably best I leave that out of my decision, because I have too many PERSONAL emotions clouding my logic on that, if you know what I'm saying? I guess it's just that with my own ongoing congenital disease, the current health care system has been so ornery and taking its bloody time just to get the most basic things done over the years, even more routine things, and that makes me take a big hit, a huge hit in every area of my life. A more socialist system of health care would only make things worse in that department, which gives me the heebie-jeebies on how that affects me personally. I just don't trust myself to make a decision on that issue, just because of how it affects me personally.)

Agreed to the rest of it. Even, yes, the marriage equality bit. I say "even" because that opinion is a bit of an unpopular opinion in my religious circles. Forcing gays to not get married is un-Christian.


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