(no subject)

Aug 14, 2006 09:51

I've made a decision. As thou has heard, my Dreade Lair of Alchemy recently went to Thee Great Abysse. I do not possess enough Coine of Realme to rebuild immediately as my laboratory was painstakenly built up o'er thy years.

There iseth only one solutionne if I am to rebuild immediately. I am going to audition for AMERICAN I'DOL! As thee shall see via the hyperlinke, auditions are comming to Seattleshire this Septembre!

I knowwe what thou may be thinking. "Forlorner, how cans't thou tolerate the presence of such uncouthe persons, the most horrendous and nightmarish caricature and cross-section of All That Iseth Wrong With This Land?", you might ask. Or, you may also ask, "Won't they throw things at you en masse or perhaps affix you to the flag pole with ducte tape?".

Quite simply, I have a solutionne. I shall wow them all with Darqueness. Perhappes too I shall point out that their revival of wearing silly polo shirts with thee upward-turned collar make them look quite Dummbe and such fashion were not Hip in 1985, so shall it not be Hip in this age.

Now, to practice my rendition of "Musique of The Night" from Phantomme of Thee Opera! And perhappes, something from Queen. I fancy "Ogre Battle" from Queen II, yes?
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