
Aug 11, 2006 18:21

In thee wake of this recent Plotte of Terror, I've been formulating my own theories of thee Truthe of it all! I've compiled muche speculative information from weblogs, Fox News, and thy Expert compiler of sekret information, Art Bell.

Then, I found thee final piece: http://community.livejournal.com/darkcell/20492.html

Surely, thou must know where I am heading with this locomotive of Sophist reason.

This global plague of Muslimme Extremists have finally revealed their true, Sinsiter Mission! That being their declaration of Jihadde against Fields of the Nephilimme and Occultik Grand Master Carl McCoyye, and perhaps all of OURS the world over. It would seem these beastly simpletons are Underwelt-bent on preventing Carl and his band of myseterious, unknown replacement bandmates from making their rightful return as High Priests of the Order of Thy Gothique Darque Order.

Dare they move to quash the Majgickal Rites of which there iseth no resistance?? Will they aim to kidnap Harry Potter and behead him on a questionable videotape? Shall the great number of OURS take up refuge in secret cematariums and hide, or shall we stand and fight with our Swords and Magjickal Weaponry and Lightning Bolttes?? These questions must be brooded over and perhappes answered in time.

I suspect Andrew Eldritch is behind it all. I've long suspected him as a tool of the Republican Party and their operatives in Al Qaedia. Oh, Andrew, how could thou betray us all in such a manner?!! I must take my leave to mourn and revel in sorrow for us all.
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