Title: Laced Author: the_fey_girl11 Pairing: TakaNoo Summary: Inoo's sexy magazine poses sparks Takaki's S side Disclaimer: I don't own anything. The boys own each other, however.
A/N: it refuses to write itself further, but had to post. hence, the shortness.
Title: Choices Author: the_fey_girl11 Pairing: TakaNoo Rating: PG 13 Summary:Yuya had to make a choice between staying and letting go. Disclaimer: I own nothing. The boys own each other, however. ( Yuya should've known the consequences.. )
Title: Fireworks (v.2) Pairing: Takaki Yuya x Inoo Kei Author: the_fey_girl11 Rating: G Genre: fluff Type: drabble Summary: jealous Inoo or was he really? Disclaimer: i own nothing. the boys own each other, however.