Mar 19, 2008 20:18

Yatta! look what the post man has brought in!

my HERO limited edition dvd delivered right at my door! ureshii!!!

it was such a huge relief when i saw the parcel in my room last tuesday night most especially after hearing the horror stories that fellow fangirls had to go through with local customs! thank goodness  my prayers were answered. i would have wept had customs held on to my dvd. its worth  freaking  7000+yen and i'd hate to think how much customs would charge in "taxes" for that!

i haven't had the chance to watch the movie just yet - too busy ogling at the freebies!

the ketai strap is cho kawaii!!! and the dvd case has thepicture of the whole cast on it!

and the postcard set - well i won't be sending those to anyone - obviously! *LOL*

with the long weekend coming up i'd finally get to watch the movie with subs this time.

dakara, Kuryu-san, promessa no mi separare. ne!

the burning girl

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