Yeah, your really cool making fun of nerds....

Mar 26, 2008 02:06

God how much shit can one guy put up with? Apparently a lot, I have a lot of things bothering me lately and I'm trying my best not to snap or start smoking again. (Because thats just a bad idea, need to take better care of myself)

I feel like i'm back to patient zero again, social pariah boy! Seriously peeps, I miss a lot of you. WTF?

Hung out with Kristy last saturday, had a fun time for the most part, except for having to awkwardly meet her new love interest who she wanted my opinion on. He seemed like a good guy at first, nice and down to earth....until he took a pot shot at me. It went like this:

"Have fun going on your comic book mission, I used to collect those back in the day." (eyes rolling, condescending voice and just all around acting like a tool) whats your problem man? Sorry that you know, I'm trying to hang out with my friend who your trying to fuck, but hey next time I'll let her be fucking used again just like most of her exes. And back in the day? According to Kristy, your 22! That makes you 2 years older than me, back in what day? When you weren't a tool?

But I digress, I just watched Jay Leno who is obviosly incredibly jealous that Conan is 10 times more popular than he's ever been and guess what he spent a whole segment on? Making fun of a bunch of warm hearted cos players who humored his little show. All he did the whole time was make fun of each one of them and how unapproachable they were. If they were so unaproachable, why did they talk to you? Idiot.

And work, work has sucked lately, i'm so glad i'm leaving on my trip in 3 weeks, don't think I could survive much more of this shit lately.
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