Katekyo Hitman Reborn!: KinkMeme - Biting (GokuderaHaru)

Apr 03, 2008 02:23

Prompt: Biting
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: GokuderaHaru
Word Count: 1,334
Disclaimer: This is merely for fun and I make no profit!
Summary: An exploration of how this pairing is possible~

It had started off as a ‘next best thing’ sort of deal. Somehow both Tsuna and Kyoko had worked around their shyness and oblivion to become a couple. An adoring, sweet, potential Prom King and Prom Queen kind of couple.

Haru would have been a right bitch to interfere with that.

So instead, she shifted her attention elsewhere. It hadn’t happened instantly of course. The original ‘Gokudera and Haru’ connection was a nothing more than a mutual feeling of loss over Tsuna. Gokudera had been feeling mildly replaced, Haru had been basically heartbroken.

They went for coffee once to try out sulking with company rather than by themselves. Once became twice, and twice became three times. By which point they realized that they were actually enjoying themselves. Soon, coffee became a routine. Every Thursday after school Haru and Gokudera went for coffee.


It took them months to finally reach the first kiss stage. And it was entirely too unromantic for Haru’s liking. Gokudera had been walking her home after their coffee ‘date’ as he always did and just before she turned up the walkway, he said her name.

She stopped and looked at him curiously, wondering what exactly he wanted. Scowling, the boy had stared at the ground a moment. Kicked his toe into the sidewalk. Shifted awkwardly. And finally raised his head and pressed a hard, impersonal, half a second kiss to her lips.

She had slapped him.

Needless to say, the second time around, Gokudera got it right.


One month after they become snogging buddies, Gokudera and Haru decided to try dating…

If the first kiss was to be considered a let down, then the first date was a catastrophe.

It had started off all right. Gokudera showed up at Haru’s house. He looked as grungy as ever. No special clothes. He hadn’t brushed his hair. But he had worn cologne.

Haru suspected Yamamoto had told him he should.

When she asked what scent exactly it was that he was wearing, Gokudera had shrugged and said he’d stopped by a shop on the way over and sprayed on the first cologne he got a whiff of that didn’t smell like “a donkey’s ass”.

That had been cute. Well, Gokudera’s brand of cute anyway. Not all that special but… he’d made a real effort. At least Haru had thought he had.

Then the date really started.

He took her to McDonald’s, refused to pay for her meal, and shrugged off her every attempt at holding his hand and touching him.

She ignored him for the duration of the following week.


Eventually Gokudera developed a minute awareness of what it was Haru wanted from him. He had also developed the ability to give her what she wanted, but in a compromising way that always made her laugh and smack him and tell him that he was horrible at being a boyfriend but that she wouldn’t have him any other way.


Four months later and the couple had discovered sex. Not real, ‘we went all the way’ sex, but handjobs, and fingering, and ‘rugmunching’, and ‘cocksucking’ - Haru really wished Gokudera wouldn’t make it seem so crude.

Something about having an active love life and a boyfriend had worked to Haru’s advantage because by this point, boys were starting to notice her. She would go out for lunch and end up with a phone number on a napkin. Kyoko would pass on notes - she never peeked thank God - from boys at Namimori with dirty suggestions of what they could do with Haru. Sometimes people would even grab her bum.

That was the start of a whole new dynamic to the ‘Gokudera and Haru’ relationship.


And anyone who knew how Gokudera was with Tsuna knew that he was a master of the emotion…


Haru threw her head back and melded into Gokudera’s side. The arm she had draped over his shoulder tightened and her legs fell further open as he slid one finger into her sex. His hot breath washed over her neck, and she knew without opening her eyes that he was staring at her, his gaze fixated on the lustful blush covering her cheeks, and the way her eyes clenched when he touched her just right, and the small ‘oh’ shape of her mouth as she drew in slow, shuddering breaths.

He nipped at her ear and inserted a second finger. “This what they wanna do to you, huh?” he breathed quietly, taking her lobe between his teeth and biting a bit harder.

“Mmno,” Haru moaned softly, shaking her head, and pushed her hips down onto him as his fingers continued to slide in and out and in and out and in and out and oh, God he was wonderful!

She turned her head to the side and tried to kiss him, her mouth groping for his, but he kept himself just out of reach. Curling his fingers, Gokudera pressed against that sweet spot that made her legs clench and her hips lift off the couch and a soft cry fall from her lips. Her breathing hitched then quickened and he straightened his fingers again.

He pulled them out and ran his index finger along the centre of her pussy. Haru whimpered his name as if she were begging and pressed her lips to his shoulder but was quickly shrugged off.

“You’re mine,” Gokudera told - asked - her in a firm, almost frenzied tone and practically pounded his fingers back into her sex. Twin moans echoed through the room and then Gokudera’s mouth was attached to Haru’s chest and he was sucking. His lips were wet against her body and his tongue kept pulsing against her skin in time with his fingers.

His fingers beat into her, quickening frantically, and Haru’s entire body felt like it was nothing more than the pleasure growing between her legs and the mouth attached to her chest. His teeth grazed over her soft skin as he pulled it between his lips. Sucking in a breath, Haru impulsively scrabbled with her hands, tangling them both in his silver locks and holding him to her, cradling his head against her.

His fingers were still working her, sending tendrils of warmth to her stomach that tightened all her muscles and felt so hot and wonderful that she couldn’t help it that her hips were bucking forward and onto his hand because she was so close.

His free hand, which was behind her back and settled on her hip, lifted and cupped her breast, a single finger twirling around her nipple. She cried out when he pinched her nipple and bit her shoulder and pushed into her pussy particularly hard all at the same time.

It would be a miracle if she lasted five more seconds with all this stimulation…

Gokudera’s tongue worked itself over the place on her collarbone he had just bit, and he sucked the skin between his lips again, grazing it with his teeth then biting so hard it ached.

Everything ached. For release.

With nothing but the sounds of sex - Gokudera’s lips wet against her collarbone, Haru’s high-pitched breaths, and his fingers sliding in and out of her - Haru came. Her eyes clenched so tight and her mouth fell open as she stopped breathing. Her hips stilled and Gokudera continued biting and fingering her, helping her ride out the orgasm until she finally fell into him.

Limp. Spent. Exhausted.

Then, just before she closed her eyes, tried to sleep on his shoulder, Haru managed to mutter angrily, “Marked me like a dog!”

And when Gokudera pulled back and saw the angry red blemish on her skin, he found that there was no ground for disagreement, so he instead pulled her close to him and smirked.

At least she now wouldn’t be able to yell at him for getting so violent when other boys tried getting in her pants. She was now visibly unavailable and completely his.

Posted at: khrmeme & hitman_reborn

gokudera/haru, complete, kinkmeme - katekyo hitman reborn!, nc-17, katekyo hitman reborn!, one-shot

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