Naruto: Leave the Light On (SasuNaru)

Feb 04, 2008 17:08

Title: Leave the Light On
Pairing: Hints of SasuNaru
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,108
Disclaimer: Do not own anything.
Notes: Inspired by Al Genina (Leave the Light On) by Our Lady Peace. Written for sasunaru100.
Summary:. The past has been known to parallel the present.

Leave the Light On

Naruto sits quietly in the bed and watches as the wind outside the window intensifies, only noticeable in the sudden rush of leaves that swirl passed in a moonlit grey. His legs are covered by a down duvet - which he pulls tighter - and a warm body has settled itself on his lap.

He looks down at the sleeping form of his teammate and best friend, Sasuke, and tries to smile, but he can’t. The dark-haired boy is breathing heavily and his fingers are clawing at Naruto’s clothing - grasping for something the other boy can’t give him. He’s shaking, his body convulsing in tiny tremors of fear and Naruto knows that Sasuke would hate to be seen like this.

So he looks away.

Outside the wind has settled slightly, but not enough for its distant howl to ease. Sasuke’s fingers brush Naruto’s hand and he catches them with a gentle squeeze. His other hand absently brushes the hair from Sasuke’s face, looping the charcoal tresses around his fingers. The strands are soft beneath his fingers, like the seeds of a dandelion before they are swept away.

He knows what nightmare plagues Sasuke and he knows that he can do nothing but hold the boy as he writhes in fear. The first time this had happened - him holding Sasuke as his dreams became horrors - had been on an occasion much like this.

They were on a mission with Kakashi and Sakura, and, as was standard, Sakura had a room to herself while Kakashi, Sasuke, and Naruto roomed together, with the two genin sleeping in the same bed. It happened in the dead of night while Kakashi was out doing whatever it was he always seemed to do.

Naruto was awake, staring off into space without really thinking. Sasuke, who was beside him - albeit as far away as possible - was asleep.

It started with a sudden gasp followed by a light whimper. Naruto glanced over, one eyebrow raised, and mumbled something along the lines of, “Oi, people are trying to sleep, asshole.”

Sasuke didn’t respond - as was expected - and remained still a moment. He seemed all right, but Naruto continued to stare at the boy, wondering why the Uchiha had just whimpered in his sleep. Sasuke had never seemed like the type to have nightmares. But then, what did Naruto know?

It took a moment for the shaking to start, but when it did, Naruto was thoroughly creeped out. The boy’s body convulsed with tiny tremors that clacked his jaw and drove him into the fetal position. Naruto tentatively reached out a hand and gently poked Sasuke in the side.

When the shakes continued, Naruto whispered, “Quit being such a bastard,” and clouted Sasuke good upside the back of the head. This only drew another whimper and a hushed whisper.

“What?” Naruto leaned forward, his face bright with curiosity, and shifted closer to Sasuke. The boy said nothing in return and instead twisted into the sudden warmth Naruto’s proximity provided.

“Hey!” Naruto exclaimed as Sasuke’s head curled into his side. “Get off me you pervert!”

Sasuke drew nearer, shaking less violently, and his hand twisted in the fabric of Naruto’s pajama top. He murmured a quiet whisper, his words hot against Naruto’s hip. They fell upon the blonde’s ears in a muffled voice.


That was when Naruto knew that Sasuke was dreaming of his parents. His eyes widened in innocent surprise, the surprise of a child seeing their younger sibling for the first time, and he swallowed unsurely.

“She’s okay now,” he said, his voice loud and doubtful in the silence that surrounded them. Then the door opened…

Naruto glances up at the sound of the door opening and sees Kakashi, his visible eye half-lidded and unsurprised.

Kakashi stepped into the room and paused, taking in the scene before him. He seemed surprised, which led to Naruto glaring down at Sasuke bitterly. Still, he made no move to push the sleeping boy away.

“He was having a nightmare and being annoying. This was the only way I could shut him up.” Naruto stopped stroking Sasuke’s back and his thoughts wandered to contemplations of when he had started doing so in the first place. He sighed and tried to keep the scowl on his face.

“Do you mind if I turn on the light, Naruto?” Kakashi asks. His hand is already upon the light switch, he already knows the answer.

“Go ahead,” Naruto says softly and turns back to Sasuke, barely aware of the lights turning on and not watching as Kakashi begins to sift through his tiny bag of things. Naruto’s fingers continue combing through Sasuke’s charcoal locks and he shifts the boy slightly in his lap as his leg falls asleep.

Kakashi smiled at Naruto and reached for the light switch, pausing to give the boy a questioning glance. “Do you mind if I turn the light on?”

Naruto looked down at Sasuke, his brow furrowed thoughtfully and felt his arm tighten protectively around the boy. “Yeah, I think he’s pretty asleep. But let me cover his eyes first, just in case.”

Sasuke stirs slightly in his sleep and burrows his head deeper into Naruto’s stomach, his breath hitting the bared skin in warm puffs. The blonde smiles affectionately, happy that the shaking has subsided and that Sasuke seems to be entering a dreamless sleep.

“Are you leaving again?” Naruto asks when he notices Kakashi standing. His sensei nods and moves toward the door, his footsteps nearly silent upon the floor.

Without really realizing it, Naruto tightened his grip on Sasuke as the light turned on. His hand shielded the sudden glare from the other boy’s eyes, who had done nothing more than draw in a sudden breath in response.

“I’ll just be in here a moment,” Kakashi told him as he walked to the nightstand between their beds and picked up a piece of paper he had left there earlier. Naruto nodded, trying to look sour about being so close to Sasuke.

Kakashi’s hand falls to the doorknob and he opens the door, his hand lifting to drop over the light switch - engulf Naruto and Sasuke in darkness.

As Kakashi walked to the open door, Naruto felt Sasuke’s shakes slowly subside until he was still. The blonde frowned slightly and glanced up as Kakashi’s hand reached for the light switch.

“Hey, leave the light on,” Naruto says with a hint of smile as Sasuke relaxes in his arms.

Naruto looked down at Sasuke who was suddenly limp in his arms and smiled. “Hey, leave the light on.”


complete, sasunaru, gen, one-shot, naruto

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