Sep 26, 2010 20:48
Amurii got a Kodo, and I got a couple more Tankards, but nothing else of note. I'm still running it daily though, for the badges and I wouldn't mind getting mounts on some others. But since Vass has hers, I'm happy :D
She got to RP a little bit too, continuing the grand tradition of Vass doing stupid shit at Brewfest. So I've got to try to get something down for that. I have notes... as I always do.
I went ahead and got a 3-month sub for LotRO. Mostly this is because you get all (well, most) of the cash shop perks for the period that your subscription is active. I still have to buy mounts for each character if I want one, which makes alt-rolling a much more srs business. I have to make sure that I like the class enough to drop the cash on a mount for them. In addition to Kostur the Captain, I made a Hobbit Burglar (since deleted, I didn't like the run animation and the abilities were pretty meh), Human Guardian (kinda fun, but I don't have really have the tanking personality, so I'm unsure about her), and an Elf Minstrel. Minstrel is pretty fun so far, and they're a damage/healer role which is what I'm used to playing. I'll very likely end up keeping him (and hopefully he won't surpass Morthorn, heh heh heh). I am curious how well he can solo though, we'll see I suppose. I was gonna name him Raleth, but it was taken (!??!) so his name is sort of... Raleth-ish.
Morthorn is level 30 and got his lynx pet. The lynx does a lot more damage than the bear, so stuff dies pretty quickly, though I'm still squishy as all get out. There's an instance I have quests for, but I've yet to figure out how to find a group for it, other than trolling the LFG channel.