Brewfest ...hic!

Sep 21, 2010 21:59

Treated me better tonight!

Vajarra: Nuffin
Ornasse: Ram!!!
Lireos: Tankard o' Terror -- This means that my Worgen Rogue will be able to dual wield them ;)
Mia: Nuffin
Vassanta: Didn't win anything, but I felt that the naked dwarf in her party was worth mentioning.
Skoldi: RAM!!!!!! I'm so happy she got one because she's a dwarf ^^
Tathariel: Nuffin
Raleth: Mithril Pocketwatch, actually an upgrade for him.

Pretty good! I really hope Vass can get one though.

My Loremaster in LotRO is now up to level 24. He is rather more squishy than I'd like, but I think part of that is me just getting overwhelmed when I have too many monsters on me. If it's two or even three, I can juggle my different stuns all right, but more than that it starts to get dicey. Plus, my major stun doesn't work on plants or undead, and you run into quite a few of both. Another thing that's kind of frustrating are all of the group quests, but there's a pretty good system for finding groups in-game, though nothing like LFD for dungeons at least that I've found. Caveat: I may have just not found it, I am a noob. I did get lucky and run into a 65 who was deed-farming, so she let me and another lowbie tag along and loot everything. I got a ton of XP and money, as well as rep items from that.

However, I have just become a home-owner in LotRO, and it's really fun. I rode around to look at all of the neighborhoods and it was really hard to pick, I liked them all for different reasons. Finally I narrowed it down to Bree for its central location and proximity to farmland (my Loremaster's a farmer). What's cool is that all your characters share that house, which doesn't really make sense from an RP standpoint, but it is very convenient. You also get a teleport home skill for all of your characters to use. I just figure that Kostur (my Captain) is crashing on Morthorn's (my Loremaster) couch when he's gone or something. Then you can see what houses are for sale within the neighborhood, picking just the right location. Morthorn's house is nestled in the woods, beside some stone ruins. All the really prime spots are taken, but that's okay, I am delighted with my house, and I'm having a blast picking out the floor pattern, wall pattern, music (!!!), yard decorations, and furniture.

One other thing I really like about LotRO: No Horde. Rather, there isn't that divisive "us vs. them" mentality along with all of the nastiness I saw when I played on that side. Everyone's on the same side, and everyone's good. Normally I like a bit of grey area, but it's just annoying when writers show one thing (orcs committing genocide, blood elves sucking the life from naaru, testing plague on innocents, releasing said plague on everyone including your own allies, releasing ANOTHER plague in direct defiance of your leader...) and then insisting that no no no, they're not evil. Really!

I'm very tempted to sub, but I'm going to see how I feel in a couple of months when Cataclysm comes out. For now I've bought one of the quest packs (which was very cheap!) and I got the extra bags and bank space.

lotro, brewfest

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