Killing Time; or Not-WoW Again

Jun 09, 2010 01:08

I haven't been posting much of late, I've got a severe case of End-of-Expansion boredom. Basically I check my favorite news site for info, and if I'm really motivated I do a couple of heroics. Really the only active character that needs badges at this point is my paladin, and even he's got all 200 or higher now. WoW-Raleth has stalled out a bit since hitting 30, the dungeon queues are suddenly a lot longer, though this could be due to time of day. Still having a great time with my tank, Jarvia, but I have to be in the tanking groove in order to play her. It requires a lot more focus than healing or DPS, which can be tough when the gnomes are home. Salty's been doing some PuG raids, but I run into the same problem: The only characters who NEED that gear won't get invited because they don't yet have it.

So, until beta shows up, I'm occupying myself with other games mostly. Been playing a lot of Dragon Age of late, I have three (!) new lowbies, and I'm only missing two achievements. Neither is difficult, they just require time and in the case of one ("Enthralling: Earned maximum approval from all types of thralls"), a little bit of RNG. (If one of your darkspawn die, you have to recruit a new one and it doesn't retain your previous approval.) I'm still finding new bits of conversation though, which is pretty impressive considering how long it's been out and how much I've played it. Still keeping my fingers crossed for a romance DLC though ;) And I love re-visiting Raleth, he's like my comfiest pair of sweatpants.

LotRO is going free-to-play later this year, which is something else I'm excited about. I did the trial, and enjoyed it well enough, but wasn't compelled enough to pay $10-$15 a month for it. Now that it's free, I'll re-install and be able to give it a bit more attention. I rather liked the Rune-Keeper, aka "Mage-But-Not-Really-Because-Lorelol", I hope that won't be restricted to pay accounts only.

Darkfall is also finally doing a free trial, and while I don't think it'll be my thing (I'm super-bad at PVP), I'm still checking it out and will post my impressions later. Maybe I'll make one of those wolf-guys and pretend he's my Worgen... /sigh

I am trying to come up with a last name for my Worgen Lock, but I think I'm going to have to wait and see what their "flavor" is like and see some NPC examples. I've already got the bones (har har har) of his story though, so that's encouraging.

darkfall, lotro, dragon age, notwow

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