☆ 9th Edict [Accidental Video]

Sep 21, 2009 22:22

[The video opens to reveal three male individuals standing in front of what appears to be rows upon rows of various feminine hygenic products and their ilk. Two are significantly taller than the shortest one--a blond-haired boy who seems to be no older than thirteen. The tallest, Keiki, is standing slightly off to the side, watching the proceedings with an air of stoic, yet dignified irritation while the other two, Enki and Shouryuu, peruse the items on the shelves. It's clear that neither have much of an idea of what they're doing or what they really should be looking for, considering there a considerably larger variety of brands than they had intially expected. Being 500 years behind the times certainly had its own disadvantages.]

So, remind me, did she want--

I believe, [Keiki cuts in with a tone that suggests he regrets so much as agreeing to set foot inside the pharmacy with the present company], her ma--[he pauses] her highness said she wished for us to purchase the product with "wings."

Yes, [Shouryuu replies in a long, drawn-out tone,] but did her majesty want long, short, overnight, light, medium, or--

[The king cuts himself off, met with a hard, indifferent stare in return. This is, naturally, followed by a long-suffering sigh on the kirin's part. ] I would think that since such details were not specified that it does not matter.

Right. Of course. [Shouryuu then pulls a green Always package randomly off the the topmost shelf.] How about this one?

[Enki snorts, peering up at it.] No.

No? [Shouryuu steadily moves down the isle, grabbing another package at random.] What about this?


This one?

Try again.

[Keiki sighs, though his muted sense of protest goes ignored.]


No! Honestly, Shouryuu, can't you read? It says--

Fine then. [Shouryuu retorts, tossing the package at him.] You choose it if you're so knowledgable about the needs of women.

Fine, I will! Watch me!





[Unable to contain himself any longer, Keiki sighs again, his voice now almost as biting as it is exasperated.] Just choose one.

[Both kirin and king stop bicking, and each simultaneously roll their eyes in response. Shouryuu then moves down the isle where a certain "Trojan" brand is stocked, pulling a few boxes off the shelves, not bothering to so much as skim the packaging.]

You decide for us, then. Shall we bring home red, yellow, green, or blue?

[Enki just stares.] I think those are balloons, old man.

Oh? [Shouryuu then takes a moment to scan the box he's holding with a raised eyebrow.] Well, they come in peach. Want one?

They come in-- ...Give me that!

[Keiki alone doesn't participate in the ensuing conversation. Instead, his gaze hardens into a determined sort of resolution, and, turning on his heels, the kirin walks over to the adjacent isle, picking a package of band-aids off the shelf, before proceeding to make a beeline for the register.  Enki and Shouryuu, meanwhile, pause in their conversation long enough to watch the whole affair with apparent amusement, shooting each other a knowing look. While they might know much about the world, they certainly know enough.]

red=rokuta, go forth and conquer, be glad they didn't find the tampons, they come in flavors?!, blue=shouryuu, never send a man to do a woman's job, pharmacy adventure, 500 years behind the times, it's a woman thing, joint-post, !polychromatic, purple=keiki

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