Snow...half day?

Feb 23, 2009 07:56

Well, looks like the army isn't going out for a few extra hours today, so I'm going back to bed! This is the second worst snow-storm I've ever seen, which makes my poor car next to useless out here. She's almost completely buried and even if I had snow tires and 4x4 I wouldn't be able to go anywhere. Which is just further fuel for the hate-on I have for the bankers who wouldn't let me upgrade to that truck I wanted... Seriously, from now on I buy SUVs or trucks only, they're almost necessary for what I do in my life. On the plus side the guy at the dealership gave me a rough estimate of when it would be economical to upgrade, and it's late next year.

Anyway, I'm having entirely too much fun with the meme I posted last night, so please come and let me do you too:

câlice tabernac ostie, meme-pires, i've got soul and i am a soldier, his imperial highness, weather one can whether

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