Comment to this post and I will give you five subjects/things I associate with you.
Then I'd ask that you post them to your journal and give me your thoughts on the matter.
I may not answer until Thursday, mostly because I'm back in the field until then.
alabastard has asked me to expand on what he chose for me, and so I shall:
1. style
Style, what can I say about style? Well, it is truly and entirely in the hands of the individual person, but society's concept of style seems to be (in my opinion) somewhat skewed. But ignoring that idea, my individual style is a strange mix of military-cum-outdoorsman-esque intensity (cargo pants, tight t-shirts, my non existant hair and the all important utility of my clothes, shoes and accessories) and gentlemanly-high style. Tailored suits, collared shirts, car-coats, leather gloves and all the trimmings. Mixed in there are my army of polo shirts, hoodies and my fine assortment of shoes. See, I like shoes a great deal, and I work to maintain them... my black shoes are spit-shined and my brown ones are developing a patina, all their own. I keep them in good repair, shiny and clean - something I'm often made fun of for, to my own amusement. Moving on... I have three types of cologne I wear (Davidoff Cool Water, Burberry London and Swiss Army Original) and I tend to keep myself well groomed and bathed. My outerwear runs the gauntlet from my wool pea coat to my biker style leather jacket.
Try and categorize me...
2. music
I like my music intense, which does not necessarily mean a lot of volume, but it does mean it should have a degree of thought and or passion involved in it. I like rock music mostly, with blues and classical coming in closely after, but recently I've discovered I quite like clever rap/hip hop. I quite hate "gangsta" rap (call me racist again, I dare you - you know who you are) but I'm finding the rhyme and rhythm of some rap music to be quite awesome. I also, um, like Rhianna apparently. That said give me some Jethro Tull, The Eagles, Metallica, Nightwish or Rolling Stones any day... pair it with a symphony and we're got ourselves a winner!
3. military
What can I say? It pays well, and it keeps me in shape, plus it's something of an adventure... but I'm really rather upset that it hasn't been what I wanted it to be. I wanted a chance to really get out there and make a difference in the world, and I suppose in a way I might still get my chance. However, I'm discovering a world that I'm sort of at a loss as to whether or not I want to protect... more to follow as it progresses.
4. motorbikes
My greatest passion, I would collect these things if I could. I've logged more time on Izzy in the year that I've ridden her than most people do in 2-3 years of riding, but I am still learning. I'm no expert, but I was told I have good to excellent basic skills and that if I stick with it I'll be a good rider someday. There is just something about the control, speed, and freedom of bikes that I can't and don't want to get over... plus the culture, while containing its share of knobs and idiots, is welcoming, friendly and full of neat people. What can I say? I'm hooked.
5. knights
When I was young I wanted to be a knight in shining armour, with a steed of white and a sword swinging for justice. Well, now I ride a motorcycle and act the gentleman, so I'm almost there. There's something about the imagery of the white knight that I love, and I've always wanted to protect and look after people... plus I love the look of the knight. Ninjas and Pirates be-damned, give me some chivalry any day.