Checking in, because updating semi-regularly would be such a novelty for me.

Apr 30, 2009 21:55

My week has continued to be wobbly, but wobbly in that way that reminds me how lucky I am that there is such a huge margin between "inconvenience" and "crisis" in my life right now. Having things go wrong without it being anything like a disaster is really its own kind of blessing.

On the computer:
- The not-so-great: when the Genius Bar guy took a look at it today, it remained (hardcore, doornail, would-not-boot, would-not-recognize-that-power-sources-existed) dead. His thought is the logic board is fried, and they're sending it out for repairs, so it'll be early next week before I know for sure what was wrong and what it takes to fix it. It's under the three-year warranty, and I'm told Apple isn't actually out to scam you on that, but until I here back I'll remain worried that they're going to decide that whatever went wrong was the result of external damage outside the bounds of normal wear-and-tear. (For those of you who are new to my style of anxiety: I can't think of anything really egregious I've done to it, and it's unlikely the cat dropped it off a balcony and then doused it in Coke when I wasn't looking. I'll still keep worrying till I know for sure, though.)
- The much better: within about 24 hours of making my computer woes public, two different friends had jumped up to offer me use of their spare laptops. (misshepeshu: I'm all set up, but thank you so much! No slight meant to your laptop; the other one just happened to be in the same place at the same time as me.) Also, I think the Apple guys managed to recover my data (since the hard drive didn't seem like it was the problem), so I can take my external hard drive down to the store soon and get a back-up.

On everything else: well, it's late now (just got off the phone with my parents, who were great to talk to as always), so I'm out of steam. The very short version: faffed off from school maybe a little more than I should have, am a bit anxious but all things considered feeling pretty good, have various intimidating-but-exciting projects in my near-term academic/professional future, the next two days look to be small windows of productivity interspersed with longer windows of public ridiculousness (some of it charitable!), some of my friends are having rough times right now and my thoughts are with them often, all of my friends who I have been in touch with this week have been awesome, supportive, and a general source of joy and blessing in my life.

How are you all doing, internets?

se, of the good, mac'ed, studying hope

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